The problem I had? He’d caught Hailey in the jaw with his elbow when he’d done it.
A swill of shock and pain rushed the river of those eyes, and her hands shot up to protect her face, but there was no protection for this little prick.
Because I fucking snapped.
A blur broke out in front of me.
One second my eyes were wide with the surprise of getting hit in the jaw, and the next, the guy was on the floor and Cody was on top of him.
Cody cocked back an arm and pulled the guy up by the neck of his shirt with the other.
“You hurt her, motherfucker? You’re going to pay for that.” Cody didn’t wait for an answer before that fist flew. It smashed into the guy’s nose.
Blood burst at the connection.
A shriek ripped out of me, and I felt frozen to the spot as Cody started to pound the guy’s face.
A storm of fury whipping the chaotic atmosphere into disorder as Cody threw his fist again and again.
Three times.
Screams broke out and the couples split apart, a scattering of feet and bodies across the dance floor to get away from the mayhem while a whole slew of new people rushed forward, making a circle around the mess Cody had just thrown himself into.
The music clanked off, and his shouts ricocheted through the cavernous room.
“You piece of shit. You hit her. I’ll end you for that.”
He hit him again.
Finally, the sense came back to me, and I surged forward and pleaded his name, “Cody!”
I thought to jump on his back to stop him from being the stupid one, only Ryder came busting through the crowd, a dark cloud that descended in a flash. He wrapped both arms around Cody’s waist and hauled him back onto his feet.
Cody tried to break free and go back for the jerk who was moaning on the floor, covering his face with his hands as he cried, “That asshole broke my nose.”
“Yeah, and I’m going to break a whole lot more.” Cody struggled against Ryder. “Let me go, Ryder. He hit her. This dickbag hit her.”
“Cool it!” Ryder shouted, yanking back harder before he leaned in and said something in his ear that I couldn’t make out.
Cody finally shook himself off just as Ezra came running up. “What the hell happened here?”
“This drunk fuck hit Hailey in the face with his elbow.” The accusation was abraded gravel.
“I didn’t touch her.” The guy writhed on the ground, and Ezra glanced back at Cody and gave a tick of his head. “Get out of here. I’ll take care of him.”
Cody hesitated, clearly contemplating diving back for the jerk.
“Now, Cody.” Ezra’s voice was a low warning, and I knew if Ezra hadn’t been there, Cody would likely be heading to jail right about then.
Paisley came through the crowd. Shock colored her expression when she saw the scene, and she rushed over and slid her arm around my waist. “Oh my gosh, what happened? Are you okay?”