She squeezed my biceps like she was comparing the size.
She was right. It was big.
Something I’d never imagined would come my way.
And somehow, I kept losing sight.
“We know what’s big,” I said, you know, just because it was me. It wasn’t like I could pass up an opportunity like that.
“Eww.” Dakota’s nose curled.
“Your freaking head, that’s what,” Paisley piped in. “And now he’s got money, too? Lord help us, he’s not even going to be able to fit in the room.”
I chuckled as I released Dakota and rounded the table to pull Paisley into my arms. I picked her up and swung her around a bit. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to come down off my throne to hang out with you suckers every once in a while.”
I settled Paisley onto her feet and sauntered toward Savannah who was draped across Ezra’s lap.
“Ah, if it isn’t the gorgeous Savannah Ward. What are you doing hanging out with this giant oaf?” I gave a playful jut of my chin toward Ezra who had a massive arm possessively looped around her waist.
He grinned, all teeth, though there wasn’t a brutal bone in the guy’s body.
Ezra had one of those hearts of gold, the town Sheriff who did his best to make this a safe place for everyone. Good through and through.
“She doesn’t want to be anywhere else than right here on my lap,” he tossed out, pulling her closer and nuzzling his nose in the locks of her blonde hair. “Isn’t that right, Little Trespasser?”
“That’s right,” she murmured back.
I wrangled her out of Ezra’s paws and gave her an enormous hug. “Good to see you, Savannah. How are you feeling?”
She just found out she was pregnant a couple weeks ago.
“Amazing, honestly. I still can’t believe it.”
“All the good things coming to you,” I murmured.
“Yes. The same as they’re coming to you. I’m so proud of you.”
Emotion tugged at my spirit.
This gratefulness that kept getting tainted by the memories I suddenly couldn’t seem to keep at bay. “Thanks, sweetheart. Are you taking care of this guy?”
She peered back at Ezra, her expression soft. “Always, the same as he takes care of me.”
“How are the kids?” Ezra had three kids from his previous marriage. A marriage that I’d had no idea had been wrought with lies and betrayal and had come to a tragic end before he’d met Savannah.
Now, she and Ezra were raising them together, and they were going to add another. I was so happy for them.
“They’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Awe filled her voice.
“And I know they adore you, too,” I told her before I released her and turned back to the table. I smacked my hands together. “I’m going to hit the bar. Can I get anyone anything?”
Standing, Caleb polished off his beer and set the empty onto the table. “Nah, man, we’re celebrating you. First round is on me. What can I get you?”
“Surprise me.”
“Someone knows my man has good taste,” Paisley drawled, glancing at Caleb.