I’d fuck you so good, Shortcake.
A wildfire raced across my flesh, and I couldn’t breathe by the time I’d made it through them. My stomach coiled with the exact kind of ache he was describing, my thighs tingling and my core throbbing.
I couldn’t formulate a response. Didn’t know how to answer when every single one of the thousand words that spun through my head conflicted.
I couldn’t breathe.
Could barely even read when the next text came through.
You want to see how bad I need you, too?
I absolutely did not.
The response was out before I could stop myself.
A glutton on my knees.
I feasted on the picture that popped into the thread.
The image was shadowy. Grainy in the bare light that seeped in from the side. But it was bright enough that I could tell the man was laid out on a bed, wearing only a pair of tight black briefs.
Sculpted body and bulky, defined muscle.
Every inch of the man was chiseled and packed and rippling with the kind of strength that should be impossible. Ridges and caverns and grooves.
His flesh was littered in ink, though the designs were obscured in the duskiness, shrouded where he held the phone high.
But honestly, I couldn’t focus on anything else, anyway.
My mind had glazed over at the sight of his cock pressed against the thin fabric of his underwear. The outline was perfectly defined and angled off to the side, his massive length stone, the bulging head barely contained by the waistband.
One second later, words followed it.
That’s how damned hard I am for you. What is it about you, Shortcake? What is it that’s sitting in my memory like a shadow? Something haunting me?
It was Brooke.
It was Brooke.
The thought of her sent reality crashing back into the forefront.
This was wrong.
So wrong.
Frantically, I pounded at my phone to get out of the text app, hands shaking out of control, then I took it a step farther and held the button down to fully shut down my phone.