“Besides, I’ve taken the whole week off from dipping my dick in anyone.” I smirked, knowing he could feel it through the phone.

Ryder chuckled low, and I could almost see him scrubbing a tatted hand over his face, all black hair and intimidation. “Such a fucking liar. I was just at Mack’s with you two nights ago, and you left with that short-haired chick. Unless you couldn’t get it up?”

“Blasphemy, man. I just…forgot about her.”

“You forgot about her?” Incredulity dripped from him.

“Can’t help it if she wasn’t exactly memorable.”

Hell, I couldn’t even place her face at this point. Not with the one that was currently inhabiting every thought.

“Such an asshole,” he mumbled.

“Like you weren’t the exact same way until you started dipping your dirty dick in my sister.”

Truth be told, I had nearly lost it when I found out he and my sister, Dakota, were hooking up. Was legitimately pissed because I knew the trouble he’d had himself in, and I didn’t want my sister involved in any of that.

I hadn’t found out they were sneaking around behind my back until she was already reaping the consequences of his mess.

As much as it’d broken my heart, I’d honestly thought it was over for me and Ryder. A lifetime of friendship gone because I wouldn’t stand for him hurting my sister. My entire purpose in this life was standing for her.

For both my sisters and my mother.

Which was kind of fucking ironic considering the jacked-up decisions I’d made. But I’d promised—promised to provide and protect—whatever that looked like.

Besides, I hadn’t understood the way Ryder loved her. The lengths he would go. The way he’d fought to protect Dakota and her son.

It didn’t take long for me to see it for what it was, their love something bigger than I had the right to intervene on.

That didn’t mean I would ever let him live it down, either.

His laugh was raw. “Now that is memorable.”

“Gross, man,” I grumbled, though I was laughing under my breath, too.

“Hey, you’re the one who brought it up. Besides, I’m not going to deny that I can’t keep my hands off her. Speaking of, she’s pulling in. I need to run to help her bring in her and Kayden’s things. Just wanted to call and say congrats again. I know this was a big day for you.”

“Thank you, man. I truly appreciate it.”

“Of course. You know Dakota wants to celebrate? Did she text you yet? Girl can’t help herself when it comes to the ones she cares about.”

It wasn’t like I was going to complain.

“Yup, next Saturday because her café has some big gig this weekend,” I told him. “She made me swear to put a reminder in my phone.”

As if I was going to forget.

“Sounds about right.”

“Sure does.”

I heard a clatter in the background, the slamming of a door before the voice of my little nephew, Kayden, carried through the line. “Hi, my Daddy Rye-Rye. I home! Come find me!”

“See you then, brother. Take care.” The line was dead before I even had the chance to say goodbye, dude so far gone for the both of them he didn’t think of much else.

And that? It meant the fucking world.

I tossed the towel onto the bed and walked from my room, dragging both hands through my damp hair, loving the way the tiles felt cool on my bare feet as I walked out into my kitchen.