Hailey braced herself with one hand on the headboard before she lifted up and aligned my dick at her center.
A flash of hesitation brimmed in her gaze as she hovered there, my dick bare, and my throat nearly closed off as she slowly sank down onto me.
Taking me skin to skin.
Claiming me in her own way.
Because we both knew from here on out it was only going to be the two of us.
No barriers left.
Her walls throbbed as I filled her to the brink of breaking.
Her thighs shook as she fully seated herself.
So hot and tight that I nearly blacked out at the feel of her.
“Perfect fuckin’ fit, you and me. The way this pussy hugs my cock. You were made for me, darlin’. Carved for me. It for me. And I was created for you.”
A shaky breath left her as she adjusted to me again, both hands coming to my shoulders, eyes brimming with the love that could no longer be contained. “There was a part of me that always knew it. I felt you like a piece that had gone missing.”
I brushed back a lock of soft, silky hair. “No more missing, Hailey. It’s just you and me. Now ride me, darlin’. And don’t you worry about being gentle.”
Hailey lifted up and sank back down.
Friction blazed.
Spreading like wildfire through my veins.
She did it again, a little harder that time.
A little faster as she began to ride me.
“You feel so good,” she whimpered, her nose brushing mine, her breaths shallow as she rocked.
“You are paradise.”
My heaven.
My escape from the chains.
She started taking me harder, whispers and moans slipping from her mouth as she spun her perfect pleasure.
Knitting me in ecstasy.
She leaned in closer, the words barely a breath. “And you are my home.”
“That’s what I want to be, darlin’. Your home. Your safe place. Your everything.”
“You are, Cody. You are.”
Devotion pummeled me like a fist to the head.
The truth that this was it.
“Need it harder, baby. Don’t be shy. Wreck me.”
I already was.