Page 173 of Hold Me Until Morning

Thoughts of her.

He knew it was fucked up that he had a thing for the rancher’s daughter.

Especially since she was shy and timid and so clearly innocent, not to mention he had to be at least six years older than her.

It sure as hell didn’t stop the way his guts twisted whenever he saw her, though.

Hesitantly, she edged forward, like if she did it quiet enough, she wouldn’t disturb the tormented bubble he was in.

Or maybe her sole intention was to pop it.

One thing he did know was she was a disturbance, all right.

Honey-streaked hair was twined in two of those braids at the side of her head, the girl tall and thin, though there was something about the insinuation of her curves that promised she was getting ready to bloom.

But it was that sweetness that emanated from her that bowled him over each time. This vulnerability she seemed eager to shuck.

She wore a pair of light blue corduroys and a matching country tank with fringe along the neckline.

Her steps were slow as she approached, coming closer and closer.

He sat there tacked to the tree, unable to move.

“Hey,” she finally whispered as she eased closer.

“Hey.” It was a coarse rasp, the emotion clotting his throat making it difficult to speak.

“Am I bothering you?”

He couldn’t stop the tugging at the edges of his lips. “Nah, darlin’, pretty sure there isn’t a chance your presence could bother anyone.”

Redness pinked her cheeks, and she kept peeking at him as she came to settle on the ground off to the side of him, facing the same direction.

For a bit, the two of them just sat staring off into the thick woods that held them like a shroud.

“I saw you earlier…and you…looked upset.” She chanced it, each word hesitant and filled with question.

He choked out a laugh that wasn’t the least surprised. “You always notice, don’t you?”

Uncertainty wound in her posture. “I shouldn’t, but I do.”

He knew what she was referring to.


Brooke who he’d made that mistake with two more times in the last month. Being a fucking idiot and allowing lust to grip him. Or maybe he was just doing everything to drive a wedge between him and Hailey since he knew there was no chance in hell he could ever have her.

Now that? That would make him a monster.

He knew it.

But he felt like a piece of crap, leading Brooke on the way he had, but she kept promising she was only looking to have as much fun as she could before she left in September for college.

This thing was no strings.

A fun fling.

But it wasn’t feeling fun to Cody, anymore, and he’d promised himself that he wasn’t ever going to touch her again.