Dakota looked my way. Something close to surprised glee lit in her smile. “Ryder told me, but I wasn’t quite sure I could believe it.”
Her regard might have been on me when she said it, but I was pretty sure she was talking to Cody.
“Believe it, little sister,” Cody told her, though he was looking at me, too.
“Okay, you two stop hogging my Hails Bells, I haven’t even gotten a hug in yet.” Paisley slipped in front of me and hauled me in for one of her raucous hugs, squeezing me like I was also one of the most important people in her life.
I honestly didn’t know how to process it, being alone for so long and then suddenly surrounded by these incredible people who made me feel like I’d come back to the place I belonged.
Like there’d been a spot reserved for me.
Like they’d known how badly I needed friends.
That I needed to understand the significance of that again after I’d shunned the idea of it because entertaining the possibility had been too painful.
“I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re here. I missed the crap out of you,” Paisley said.
“It’s only been a week.”
“Well, I’m still missing you from all the years you were gone.” I could feel her smile behind the statement, and I couldn’t help the discordant, affected laugh.
“You’re ridiculous,” I whispered.
“No, I just know when someone is special, and all the special people belong with us. You know, because we’re amazing.”
“Facts,” Dakota said.
Savannah was shaking her head when she stepped forward for a hug, too. “These two might be full of themselves, but in this case, I think I’m going to have to agree with them. You must be extra special to turn this guy’s eye.”
She glanced at Cody, and he gave me one of those slow grins as he said, “Ah, this one is special, all right.”
Heat blasted my cheeks. “You all better be careful. This is liable to go to my head.”
“Right where it belongs, baby. Claim it. We do.” Paisley tossed an arm over my shoulders.
A giggle slipped out, and Paisley gestured with her chin toward the children where they were playing tag under the big tree. “Let’s go meet all the kids. It looks like your little one slipped right in.”
I glanced that way. Maddie was laughing hysterically, her arms stretched out in front of her as she chased a little boy with blond hair so light it was almost white.
My chest tightened at the sight. “I’m pretty sure you’re stuck with her.”
“That is the plan,” Paisley said.
Cody took a step toward us, eyes raking me, searching for whatever I might need. “I’m going to grab a beer and see what the guys are up to. You good?”
“I’m great.” I didn’t have to search all that deep inside myself to discern it was the truth.
He reached out and touched my nose the way he often did Maddie. Butterflies swam in my stomach.
God, I was done for.
“Good,” he murmured in that rough voice. “That’s the way I want it.”
Without saying anything else, Cody turned and started across the lawn, his round ass hugged perfectly by his jeans. There was no looking away as he wandered over to where Caleb, Ryder, and Ezra were standing around a barbecue, watching as Caleb grilled something that smelled sweet and delicious.
I didn’t realize I was just staring like a weirdo until Paisley suddenly shook me, cracking up as she leaned in close. “That man is smitten, and I think someone else might be, too.”
Flustered, I waved her off. “It’s new.”