Page 143 of Hold Me Until Morning

“Good.” Ryder sat back with mischief playing on his face. “So, I’m guessing I’m here because you’re wondering if I’m going to have your back?”

“You’re the last person I’d call if I needed backup. Look at you…nothing but a stick.” I gave him a taunting grin, trying to hold back the laugh.

The dude was deadly, all lean, hewn muscle, a viper who would silently strike. No question about that. But I still loved to rub that shit in.

“You wish, asshole.”

I waffled, trying to figure out what I really needed to say. Trying to sort through the mess we were wading in. “I think I called you here because I want to make sure everyone in this family knows what she’s up against. I want her to know she’s important. To all of us. That she has this crew to rely on if it comes to that.”

That importance throbbed from within. This feeling that I wanted to gather both Hailey and Maddie up, curl them in my arms, and never let them go.

“You can count on that. Of course, brother. You’ve come running every time I’ve ever needed you. Besides, the girls claimed her.” Affection pulled to his lips, that soft spot he had for my sister so damned distinct. “Pretty sure Hailey isn’t going anywhere.”

“That’s the way I intend it,” I said.

Disbelief pulsed across his face before he seemed to settle on something. “Love looks good on you, man.”

That single word pierced me.

Is that what this was?

This thing that made me feel like I was going to lose it if I didn’t get back to her?

The itch that prodded me into action?

“I think you’re getting ahead of yourself,” I said rather than trying to process the magnitude of it. If I could possibly be worthy of it.

Ryder laughed. “Nah, Cody, you’re just lagging.”

He drained the rest of his whiskey then glanced at his phone. “Listen, I need to call it. Kayden made me promise I’d be home in time to read him a story before bedtime.”

Yeah, dude loved the hell out of them.

“Thanks for meeting me.”

“I’m glad to talk my bestie down any time.” Sarcasm rolled through his words, and he leaned forward so he could take his wallet from his pocket.

I waved him off. “I’ve got it. Go on before you break my nephew’s heart.”

Ryder grinned. “Never, man.” He pushed from the booth then he came around and set his hand on my shoulder. His tone turned serious. “Don’t let fear stand in the way of what your heart needs, Cody. I did it for a long damned time, and the only thing it did was cause more pain in the end. And for the record, you are good enough for her.”

Regret burned like a bitch.

Because he didn’t know, and I honestly didn’t know if that was true. Still, I forced a nod. “Thanks for that, Ryder.”


Turning, he strode through the bar, weaving through the few people who were mingling around, and he pushed out the door into the descending night. I sat there in my thoughts, polishing off my beer, then lifted my hand to the server as she walked by.

“Is that it for you?” she asked.

“Yeah, I need to get home.”


I’d always considered myself a wanderer. A piece of this small town while forever being detached. Knowing not to hang on too tightly because it would eventually be ripped away, and the thought of losing it then was all the more painful.

Resolve rode in to seize every orifice of my chest.