Page 124 of Hold Me Until Morning

I wanted to be selfish and take and take.

I wanted to feel something brighter than I’d felt in years.

In so long.

In ever.

Since the moment I’d run, gutted by grief, and instead had collided with something so much worse than I ever could have anticipated.

So, I reached down and shoved his sweats down his hips. He lifted to wind out of them, and I pushed them all the way down so he could kick them off his ankles.

A wave of dizziness slammed me when I freed his dick.

Massive and jutting, the head engorged and throbbing with need.

I ran my thumb over the dripping tip before I stroked him once again as I moved to straddle him, my palm gliding down his smooth flesh.

Surprise rasped up his throat, and his hands shot to my waist.

“Shortcake.” His voice shook with the warning.

Dark and low.

A warning that echoed against the walls.

Mine matched it when I leaned in and whispered an inch from his lips, “Please, don’t question it. Just fuck me.”



Hailey’s demand cleaved through the room, a bang right in the middle of me.

I should stop this before it got carried away, before there was no going back, before I put the final stake in my grave.

But I was trapped by the torrent that swilled in her eyes. That blue sea drawing me deeper, crystalline and clear. Dark and mesmerizing.

A place I knew I’d never been before.

The heat of her blistered our flesh, burning us both. It incited a frenzy there was no chance I was strong enough to resist.

I twisted a hand up in the soft, lush locks of her hair. I yanked her head back as the rest of her bowed forward, and the hard peaks of her gorgeous tits scraped at my chest.

Fuck me, this woman was nothing but illicit.

A crime I should know better than to commit.

So goddamn hot I couldn’t think straight.

“Is that what you want, Shortcake? You want me to fuck you?”

“You promised you’d do it so good.” She threw the text I’d been an idiot to send that night back in my face. On the night when I felt like I was going to lose my mind if I didn’t have her in some way.

But if I didn’t have her right then?

I was going to fully disintegrate.

I was ruined anyway, so I saw no point in not giving in.