“Sure I am. Why would you want to go and waste all of this?” He actually flexed his arm, his biceps bulging out.

Maddie laughed like she thought the man was hysterical. “See, Mommy, Mr. Cody is really strong and has really big muscles and he’s going to put this sucker together, lickity split.”

It was Cody’s turn to cringe, likely only then realizing my daughter would proudly repeat every vulgar word that might drop from his mouth. I could only be thankful the word that had come off her tongue didn’t start with an f.

A wry chuckle rumbled from the side. I shifted to find Lolly was out there, too, quiet as a mouse while she watched the exchange.

Okay, more like sly as a cat since she hiked a shoulder, smiling at me in her lacy nightgown with red lipstick smeared on her lips.

“Now why would you want to go and waste all of that when he can take care of it, lickity split?” she parroted, though her tone was painted in suggestion.

I sent her my best glare.

She shimmied her shoulders.

Good lord, what was I supposed to do with these people?

I returned my attention to my daughter and Cody.

Cody stared at me from over his shoulder, frozen to the spot, the intensity of him billowing on the morning air.

It wasn’t until then I realized I hadn’t taken the time to dress. I’d flown out here wearing my favorite pajamas—super short satiny sleep shorts and the matching tank in that teal color I loved, my legs bare and my boobs spilling out the top. Hair wild and untamed.

I shifted on my feet. It was one thing having him take me in on Saturday night. It’d been dark, and well…I’d felt sexy and beautiful in that dress.

It was an entirely different story when I was standing lit in the spotlight of the sun, and I was sure I looked a disaster right then.

I tried to clear the discomfort from my voice. “Cody has work this morning, Maddie, and I’m sure he needs to get ready, the same as I do.”

Cody pushed to his feet, and he dusted off his hands before he ruffled one through my daughter’s hair.




“Yeah, your mother’s right. I should probably finish getting ready and get to the job site before my partner thinks I’m slacking, but I think I can knock this out this evening if you help me out while I’m gone and put all the big pieces in one pile and all the small ones in another. How’s that sound?” he asked.

“I can definitely help you so much, Mr. Cody. Look it, I got muscles, too.” Maddie flexed both arms.

Amusement rippling from him, he tapped the tiny lump. “Those suckers look like they could bust right through a brick wall.”

“I bet so. Wanna arm wrestle?” she challenged.

Cody laughed, this low, rolling sound that tumbled through me. “Maybe after we get this thing built.”

“You’d better be ready,” she told him. “You won’t even know what hit you.”

His attention slid back to me, and he slowly started back across the yard, his boots taking the lawn before he climbed the steps to come to stand in front of me.

Towering and tall.

Overwhelming and right.

So gorgeous with the backdrop of the sun lighting behind him.

The man sanctuary and warmth.