“Doubt that’s going to be a problem when it comes to Paisley. I’ll be ninety and still wake up hard for her.”
Ryder gagged. “Gross, man. I did not need an image of your shriveled up dick in my head.”
Laughter rolled through our table, that easiness gliding through.
Our regard was out on the raucous line of four women.
Each of them fucking knockouts.
Paisley was hamming it up the way she always did, adding extra flair with every turn, and Dakota laughed nonstop as she fumbled around considering she’d been tossing back those pink frilly drinks the whole night and she was feeling extra light.
Savannah kept continually peeking over at Ezra like she couldn’t wait to get back to him, and Hailey…Hailey was laughing, too.
Though she had a hand wound in those honeyed locks, twisting up the length to get it off her neck.
She spun, her backside fucking spectacular, hips swishing from side to side.
And her calves.
Fuck me.
They were thick and muscled and rock hard, emphasized by the height of her boots.
Why was that so damned hot?
I had the intense urge to get her alone, take her by the ankle, and run my tongue all the way up the back of her leg until?—
The smack to the back of my head came from out of nowhere. “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Ryder said.
“What? She’s hot. You can’t blame a man.” I said it casual. Just like me.
“She’s gorgeous. No doubt about that.” Ryder took a sip from his tumbler.
He was only stating the obvious. His eye would never stray from my sister. Still, something irrational tugged hard at my gut. A possessive thread that could never be mine.
The upbeat song ended, and the mood shifted to slow, the new tempo instantly dragging the atmosphere into something erotic.
Ryder drained his whiskey and slammed the empty to the table as he pushed to standing. “That’s my cue.”
“Yup,” Caleb agreed at the same time as Ezra stood.
From behind, Ryder reached out and grabbed me by the shoulder. He leaned in so only I could hear. “Judging by the way you’re itching like a fiend, I’d say that’s your cue, too.”
Couples were pairing up, the lights dipping to dark, a bare glow that filtered the air into a gilded haze.
Caleb, Ezra, and Ryder strode through the crowd, and they headed in the direction of their girls who’d already turned like they’d felt them coming.
While Hailey seemed surprised for a second as everyone broke apart.
Having so much fun she was jarred by the shift as the rest of her friends got swooped up by their men.
Discomfort rolled from her for a single beat, and she peeked side to side, before she came to a quick decision and started to angle through the bodies, though she was winding through toward the back of the bar rather than in my direction.
I was already on my feet, moving that way.
I cut her off about two feet before she made it off the dance floor.