I didn’t do attachments, and she’d made it more than clear she didn’t want a fling.
I mean, what kind of scumbag was I? This was a mom, and she clearly wasn’t up for messing around, and I was sending her half-fuckin’-nudes like a horny teenager who was hoping to get a nip shot in return.
But holy shit, would I like to get a good look at those tits.
Scrubbing a palm over my face to break up that train of thought, I angled through a group of guys who were getting rowdy tossing back tequila shots, and I wound around them in the direction where my crew always sat on the right side of the bar and up close to the dance floor.
They were already there, a riot of energy buzzing around them, their laughter just a little louder than everyone else’s.
Paisley was holding court the way she always did, standing at the side of the two high-top tables they had pushed together, arms waving and demeanor animated.
She was all long white hair and over-the-top sass, wearing a white emblazoned tank that sparkled beneath the lights, red boots, and the shortest pair of cutoffs that I’d ever seen.
Her fiancé Caleb was sitting on the stool closest to her, basically drooling his ass off watching her.
Ezra was snuggled up with his girl, Savannah.
And my little sister, Dakota, was sitting on a stool, her back to me where she sat angled to the side with her legs draped over Ryder’s lap.
It was Ezra who noticed me first. He lifted a plastic cup brimming with beer over his head. “Ah, there he is, the man of the hour.”
Everyone turned.
A round of cheers went up, and my chest tightened with the welcome.
These were people who I’d do absolutely anything for. Lay down my life. Give it all.
Without paying attention, I cut through two chicks who were standing in the middle of the aisle, only then realizing that one of them was familiar. She ran a hand up my chest as I tried to squeeze past.
“Hey, Cody, is there a party tonight?” Her voice was all kinds of coy and interested.
I should be interested, too, but the thought of her soured in my stomach.
“Hanging with my family and friends tonight. If you’ll excuse me.” I shrugged her off as I took the last couple steps toward my group.
Ryder’s grin glinted beneath the flashing of lights, asshole instantly catching the interaction. “Already scoping out who you’re going home with tonight, I see,” he taunted above the raucous din of the bar.
“Nah, man, just got held up in traffic,” I punted back as I pulled the cap from my head and tossed it to the table.
He chuckled low just as Dakota swiveled her legs off him and hopped from the stool. She came beelining my way, and she threw her sweet arms around my neck.
“You’re here! Congratulations!” she sang as she rocked me back and forth.
I hugged her tight.
Dakota was so much like our mother.
Fucking sweet and giving.
Kind and modest.
She poured that sweetness out on everyone she met, using her restaurant, Time River Market & Café, to share her love.
The entire town was better for it.
“Thank you, though you didn’t need to throw another celebration. I think you’ve been celebrating me enough.”
Aghast, she swatted at my shoulder. “There is no such thing as too much celebrating, Cody. We need to take the time to recognize everyone’s achievements, big and small. And this one is big.”