Without hesitation, Cody swept her up.

Lifted her high.

Made her squeal and giggle and laugh.

“It was my pleasure, Button.” He set her on her feet and poked her in the belly.

She squealed again, shining all her belief and sweetness in his direction as she grabbed at her tummy. “You got me!”

Everything about him softened, and he knelt a fraction as he touched her nose. “Nah, Button, I think you got me.”

Then he straightened and pushed out the front door without looking back.

I glanced to the side to find Lolly grinning victoriously, mouthing, You’re welcome, again.

My gaze slid back to the door he’d disappeared through. Nerves rattling and something else vying for position.

Crap. I was in trouble.

So much trouble.

But I couldn’t let a man like Cody Cooper get the best of me.

I would never commit a betrayal that great.



“Beginning next month, I’d like to add an additional fifteen minutes of instruction before trail rides.”

Sherry, the equestrian activity coordinator, scrawled the notes on her iPad. We stood in the big, open middle section of the stables running through the typical processes taken with guests when they interacted with the horses and discussing how we might improve systems.

“I know we can’t require hours of riding lessons because they’re going to grow impatient, but the more training they have, the safer it is for both our guests and horses,” I added.

“I fully agree, but Kassandra might have something to say about it.” Sherry tucked an errant strand of black hair behind her ear, chewing at the end of her stylus as she studied her notes.

Kassandra was the resort director, and of course, her main priority was the comfort and experience of the guests.

I was certain this lent itself to both their enjoyment and their safety.

“If she has an issue, I’ll talk to her about it. Besides, in my experience, most people who come to a guest ranch love the idea of behind the scenes, anyway. So, let’s present it as that…getting the inside to the actual workings of a ranch. We’ll bring them into the stables and show them around and give safety tips as we do. We can even offer specific activities centered around learning about the care of a horse.”

“Oh, I like that idea.”

“Great. Get that on the schedule for next month’s activity flyer, and I’ll go over the details with the guides. Please let me know what Kassandra says.”

“I will.”

“Thank you, Sherry.”

“Of course. I’m excited about the changes you have planned. I think it’s going to be a true benefit to the resort.”

Pride swelled, but I shored it away, watching as she turned and ducked out the main stable entrance which had monstrous double-metal doors. They were situated right in the center of the building, and they’d been left wide open to overlook the grounds and the lodge in the distance.

A slight breeze whispered in from outside, a balm to the heat that saturated the air, and I could hear shrieks and laughter coming from children who were playing in the pool. The energy was both calm and invigorated.

Peace fell over me, this intrinsic contentedness that I’d made the right choice. Coming home. This was where I’d always belonged, even though I’d been fearful that I might be consumed by the ghosts waiting for my return.