I knew there had to be some sort of luck involved because I shouldn’t be standing here right then.
Matthew tipped his face toward the blinding rays of sunlight that speared down through the tops of the trees. “Not sure how this is going to be the best day of my life when there is a fifty/fifty chance that I’m going to sweat my balls off today.”
A chuckle rolled out of me, and I clamped a hand on his shoulder and hung off him as we started up the walkway toward the maintenance facilities.
I kept my voice low as I razzed, “With all that cash that’s going to be sitting in your bank account from that fat bonus you’re getting, that’s how. If you sweat them off, you’ll have plenty to buy a new pair. You know, like they’re doing with dogs these days after they get their jewels cut off. Seems fitting.”
Matthew shoved me off, shaking his head as he laughed under his breath. “What the fuck is wrong with you, man? That is not an image I need in my head.” He reached down to cover his boys.
“Besides…” He narrowed his eyes. “I’m pretty sure the only dog around here is you.”
“Who me?” I lifted my arms out to the sides, playing innocent.
The dude never failed to give me shit about my reputation, like I should somehow feel bad that I chose not to live my life bogged down by chains and commitment and heartbreak. It was hard enough to stay one foot ahead of the game. Running so fast that the demons could never catch up to you.
Unbidden, a vision of Hailey slammed my mind again. The same way as they’d done all goddamn night.
Held in that old ache.
Sticky and tenacious.
It hadn’t helped a thing that I’d caught her peeking at me through the side of her curtains.
Through that small space, attraction had blazed.
I swore, everything about her was enticing.
Following me into my dreams.
“Yeah, you,” Matthew razzed.
“Well, if I had a wife half as pretty as yours to go home to at night, maybe I would change my wicked ways.” I wagged my brows, knowing it’d get a rise out of him, though he clearly knew me well enough to know there wasn’t a chance in hell that was going to happen.
“Don’t even think about my wife, or you’re going to be the one losing his balls today, and it won’t have a thing to do with this weather.”
Laughing low, I squeezed his shoulder. “Don’t worry, man, going after married women is not my thing.”
He scoffed. “Like Soira would even look your way.”
I didn’t try to roast him about the claim. Not when he was a thousand percent right. The two of them were solid. Perfect together. Just like the rest of my crew who’d all settled down over the last couple years.
I was happy for them.
Really happy.
That didn’t mean any of that shit was in the cards for me.
We made it to the swinging double doors of the maintenance facility, and I tossed the right side open to the cool air pumping inside.
“I might have to park it right here,” Matthew mumbled under his breath. “Take on a supervisory position only. Get one of these nice, cushy offices just for myself.”
“Not going to happen. We’re going to need every man on deck.”
We’d already had to triple our roster with any hope of making this happen.
“Ah, good, you’re here.” We looked toward the voice coming from the left to find Tyrek coming down the hall.