Page 101 of Hold Me Until Morning

She popped onto the seat, and the smallest smile kissed the edge of her mouth when she reached out and grabbed her buckle and pulled it across her body. She exaggerated the action to prove she was fully capable of doing it herself. “What, you think all my clothes should be illegal?”

I pushed in closer and took her by the chin. “That’s right. I’d much prefer if you weren’t wearing anything at all. You should have seen the way I wanted to burn that little number you came waltzing out in this morning. Trying to drive a man straight out of his mind.”

A rush of air escaped Hailey’s lips, though this time it was needy.

Hot and pulsing between us.

Fuck, I had the urge to kiss her.

That should be my warning right there because kissing was something I didn’t do.

Never had.

That intimacy something I didn’t give into. Funny, I’d wanted to kiss her then and that unfortunate fact still remained true. She was the one person who’d ever made me contemplate it before.

Look where that had gotten me.

Still, there I was, playing a dangerous game, some kind of twisted Russian Roulette.

I stepped away before I got lost in it, shut her door, then hustled around the front and jumped into the driver’s side. I pushed the button for the ignition.

I could feel the depth of those blue eyes washing over me.

Devouring me from the side.

My spirit fisted, and I reached out and squeezed her hand. “I’m going to protect you, Hailey. You and Maddie. I won’t let that bastard get near you. Whatever it takes. I promise you that.”

I’d end him before he ever got the chance.



“There we go, girl. You are gorgeous, aren’t you?” I was in one of the exterior covered corrals that ran the backside of the main stable, gently running my hand down the neck of the filly that had just arrived this morning, whispering love and peace into her ear.

She was a blue roan, a perfect melding of white and black, her coat appearing almost gray though her face and mane were dark.

She had those soulful inky eyes, which this morning were just a little on edge since she’d made the trek from my father’s ranch to Cambrey Pines.

Five new horses had been purchased to be delivered throughout the month to keep up with the demand of the resort, and I planned to ease them in slowly.

Get them accustomed to their surroundings.

Make sure each was comfortable here and came to know this as their home.

“That’s right, you are doing just fine,” I murmured, rubbing that spot between her eyes and gazing at her, letting her know she could trust me.

“She is a beauty, isn’t she?” The voice that came from behind brought a smile to my face, comfort wrapping me like a hug.

I swiveled to find my father on the other side of the metal railing, his arms draped over the top as he watched me interact with the horse.

“Why am I not surprised to see you here?” I almost teased. He might have been a savvy businessman, but he loved his horses. I thought he mourned a little bit each time one of them left his ranch.

“I had a couple beautiful girls I thought I’d better come check up on this morning.”

His gaze was tender as he looked at me, and affection wound through my chest. I caressed down the mare’s neck. “I think we’re both doing pretty great.”

I saw the second his expression dimmed in worry, as if he had a reason not to accept what I said.