Even with his impending climax, he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting his hips, fucking my mouth. My own balls felt heavy and swollen, and I regretted that I wouldn’t be able to share my body with him. Not tonight, anyway. But soon.
His breath caught, and his cock thickened further in my mouth before he groaned, releasing his thick semen in hot spurts. It wasn’t at all what I’d been expecting—it was better. Thick and warm and salty. This was my mate’s essence, and as I swallowed, I took a piece of him into myself. It wasn’t enough, but it helped ease my panther’s drive to claim.
After licking him clean, I tucked him, still half hard, back into his pants, and then blushing, I rose from the floor. “Thanks,” I said, wiping the corner of my mouth with my thumb, sucking it to make sure I hadn’t missed a single drop.
The tension had leached from his body, and he drew me closer, kissing me languidly, as though searching for the proof of his flavor in my mouth. When he finally pulled back, he smoothed my hair away from my face and gazed down at me with the most awed expression. “Who are you?”
I sighed. This was going to hurt, but I told myself it would be worth it—it had to be. “Why couldn’t I have met you last week,” I lamented. Reaching for my wallet, I pulled out a simple white business card, with nothing but an address, and slotted it into his jeans pocket. “Be there tomorrow, 10pm.” Then I kissed him once more softly before turning and walking away, my chest so tight I couldn’t breathe. He was too stunned to chase after me; he hadn’t seen that coming.
It wasn’t until I had snuck back into my suite back at home and flopped down on my bed that I realized I never even asked him his name.
Chapter 5
I could feel the confusion written all over my face as I steered the truck down the wide boulevard, the road bordered with manicured grass and tall maple trees. Even in the dark, I could see how swanky it was. Hell, I could smell it. Instead of the concrete, steel, and car exhaust that surrounded the downtown area, all I could smell here was rich soil and rose gardens. The massive properties on either side were surrounded with thick fences, but the glimpses I caught of the houses beyond were lavish. This neighborhood was a far cry from my little camp in the woods.
“Are you sure this is right?” Jude asked skeptically, leaning forward to squint through the windshield. His face was gilded in golden light from the passing wrought-iron lampposts.
“Believe me, I’m just as baffled as you are,” I admitted. I’d already double- and triple-checked the address, but the truck’s GPS was adamant that this was the place.
“Your destination is on the right,” the cheerful artificial voice declared through the speakers. My hands tightened on the steering wheel, knuckles aching from the choking grip. Pulling up along the curb, I put the truck in Park and cut the engine. The ticking engine as it began to cool was the only sound. There were no cars, no barking dogs, no sirens or music, not even a single pedestrian. Nothing. This community was like a world apart.
Grinding my teeth, I peered out the window at the impenetrable stone wall, broken only by a wide gate. Was my mate on the other side? Was this his home?
I’d never seen an issue with living in the woods like we did. I liked getting my hands dirty, the ache in my muscles from a day’s hard labor. I didn’t need anything fancy. But suddenly, I found myself wondering if it wasn’t enough, even though it was all I’d ever known. That self-doubt that had been sinking in for the past fifteen minutes as my surroundings began to improve now had me in its grasp, dragging me down into its depths. How could fate have decided I was worthy of my mystery omega? I was nothing. Not in a million years would I be able to provide this kind of lifestyle for my mate. I was set up to fail. There was no way he could ever be content to live in my shitty cabin in the woods. If it weren’t for my wolf’s sheer stubbornness, I might’ve given up and gone home.
Liar, my wolf snarked smugly.
Okay, you’re right. Even if he were a prince, I would still find myself on his doorstep begging for a chance to prove myself. When I thought of how of I felt the moment I laid eyes on him, the way he heart, mind, body had shifted over to make room for him, I knew without a doubt that I would spend the rest of my life trying to prove I was worthy of him.
I was snapped out of my musings by Jude’s rough grumble. “It’s not fair.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “You didn’t even want a stupid mate, and fate just drops him straight in your lap. It’s bullshit.”
“Huh. What is that?” I asked, pointing at his face. “Is that… are you pouting?” I teased, grabbing for his lip.
He slapped my hand away, but a reluctant smile appeared. “I’m not pouting. It’s just…” A familiar shadow slipped into place behind his eyes, and the hard-won smile faded.
As grumpy and impossible as he was sometimes, there was no mistaking the longing he felt. “I know. You want a family.”
“More than anything,” he whispered, then drew in a quick gasp as though he hadn’t meant to make the confession. “Just… don’t tell Shan.” His eyes turned pleading. “He’s always trying to fix everything, and I don’t want to turn into his pet project. I don’t need his pity.”
“Your secret is safe with me,” I said, though I knew for a fact that Shan had noticed Jude’s mood all on his own. Jude was a lot of things, but he was a shit actor. Our Alpha, however, would never try to set Jude up with an omega. He put his full faith in fate. Shan knew the stars would align eventually, but only when they were good and ready. “You know, maybe you’d find your mate if you left the woods every now and then. You should come to the city with me more often.”
He shook his head, smirking. “Don’t press your luck.”
Smacking Jude on the shoulder, I said, “Come on, let’s get this over with. I’m sure these rich snobs will take one look at us and set the dogs loose to chase us off.”
Jude snorted. “They’d have to be lions to be a match for us.”
“You know it!” I held my fist up for a bump, but he just stared at it for a second before popping open the door and climbing out. “Harsh, man. Haven’t I been left hanging enough?”
Because, yeah, my mate totally left me hanging last night. And like a moron, I just stood there and watched him walk away from me. After a blowjob like that, I was lucky I could even stand. But, I mean, what else was I supposed to do? I could’ve chased him, made a very messy, public scene crawling behind him on my hands and knees, begging for him to stay, but that would not have been a good look.
The raw, bare truth was that I’d never been attached to anything—beyond my packmates, but they weren’t even on the same level—and this new possessive streak burning through me was absolutely terrifying. I went from being a carefree stud with commitment issues to a family man looking to settle down, all in the blink of an eye. I was surprised I didn’t have whiplash!
And the craziest part? It never would’ve happened if Vesta hadn’t gone all woo-woo fortuneteller on me and told me to come to Fairhome. I could’ve gone my whole life never knowing what this felt like. I could’ve kept screwing my way through the club scene, could’ve kept my heart safe from this aching loneliness. Without my mate, I felt like half a man.
I closed my eyes tight, blowing out a slow breath. “Damn you, Vesta,” I cursed, rubbing at my chest where a hollow ache hadn’t let up since my mystery man left me alone in that bathroom. I could almost hear her laughter at the predicament I found myself in.