Page 26 of Reformed Wolf

Chapter 12


Shit, shit, shit. I fell asleep. I can’t believe I fell asleep!

Well, I mean, I could believe it, because I felt warm and safe and sated in a way I never had before, so obviously I fell asleep, but now the sun was rising, and I was gripping the vine in white-knuckled fists as I climbed back across to my window. I kept an eye out on the grounds below, expecting one of the guards to see me at any second. What would my father do to punish me? Perhaps he would punish Tris…

No one saw me, though. No calls of alarm from the guards I knew must be out there somewhere. I could smell their animals faintly on the breeze, but it seemed I’d gotten lucky. I dropped down onto my balcony with feline grace, landing in a crouch.

My smile, tentative at first, began to widen as I congratulated myself on a stealthy job well done. My panther rolled his eyes at me. You’re welcome, he sassed.

Hey, I can be perfectly graceful without you, thank you very much, I snarked back, slipping through the balcony door.

Padding softly into my room, I froze, and my smile quickly dissolved. My father was sitting on the edge of my bed, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. His gaze was turbulent as his eyes roved across every inch of skin he could see, making sure there were no mating marks, no doubt. “Do I need to have the doctor do another examination?” he asked.

Shame attempted to needle me, bringing a blush to my cheeks, but I refused to feel anything but bliss for how my mate made me feel last night. I crossed my arms over my chest defensively. “No,” I gritted out, jaw clenched.

“Good, because if Azar wins, I know he will expect to find you pure.” He rose from the bed and walked toward the door.

“He won’t win.” It felt too early to declare it with such certainty, but I knew Tristan would win. It wasn’t just a hunch or a random stab in the dark. I knew it.

My father smiled over his shoulder at me. “I hope you’re right.”

“Daddy?” I called before he could leave. “Please don’t hurt anyone because I snuck out.” I still felt guilt over Edgar’s beating.

“Of course not,” he said casually. “I was the one who told them to let you go. Get some rest. It’s going to be a long night.”

My jaw dropped, but he was gone before I could question him further. He knew I snuck out, and he let me go to Tristan? Why would he do that?

Confused but way too tired to think it through, I dragged back the blanket and crawled into my bed, still made from before I snuck out. It wasn’t as warm as my mate’s bed had been, and it was far too much empty space for just little old me, but for now, it would have to do. This was my last time sleeping alone, I told myself. Tristan would win the competition. Tonight, my mate would claim me, and my true life could finally begin.

I promised myself just a little nap so I could think clearly. “Just… one… hour…” I whispered to my panther as my eyes drooped shut, as if he were some kind of alarm clock, except my beast was already fast asleep.

The world came into focus far too slowly. It felt like my eyes had only been closed for a few seconds. As I blinked up at the ceiling, though, the pale sunlight painted across my bedroom wall was all wrong. The angle was coming in from the west, as if from the setting sun.

“No!” I gasped, sitting up, my head spinning at the sudden surge of adrenaline. What time was it? I was already throwing back the blanket as I cast a look at the clock. “It’s after nine!” I yelped, running for the bathroom. I’d slept the entire day! People were likely already arriving downstairs for the final match.

I barely rinsed myself off in the shower before darting into my closet. I tried to shove my legs into a pair of skinny jeans, but my legs were still wet and kept sticking to the fabric. “Fuckity fuck fuck,” I cursed, still buttoning my shirt when I ran out the door. The guard on duty outside my suite scrambled to chase after me.

Following my nose, taking the main stairs two and three at a time, I found my mate in the kitchen, sitting on a stool in the corner, eating a turkey sandwich. His eyes locked on me as soon as I burst through the door, panting to catch my breath. My guard nearly ran into me I’d stopped so fast, but as soon as he saw who I was staring at, he discreetly backed out of the room, positioning himself at the door.

Tristan licked a bit of mayo from the corner of his mouth, and my cock hardened at the sight. I remembered all too well how that tongue felt as it massaged my shaft. “Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” he said, his voice gravelly enough that I knew he was remembering our time together too. “You look ravishing this evening.” His gaze seared into me as it roamed my body.

I snorted. “Did you hit your head yesterday? You must be blind if you think I look good.” I hadn’t even bothered to run a comb through my hair, and I knew for a fact I still had the imprint of my pillow across my face. The heat in his eyes as he crooked a finger to beckon me closer, though? It burned away any doubt.

As soon as I was within reaching distance, he did exactly that, gripping my shirt in his fist and dragging me to stand between his legs. The kitchen staff tried to give us privacy by turning their backs, but I could still feel their curiosity. It made me think back to the fated bond my parents had shared. I understood how hard it was to look away from something so intense.

“Let’s get something straight here, omega mine,” Tristan said as he traced a pillow down my cheek. “You could be covered in mud and I would still find you irresistible. Dressed in a burlap sack, I would still look forward to unwrapping you. I love it when you’re dressed to the nines, and I love this unruly, disheveled version just as much. It doesn’t matter what you do or don’t do to the outside, because I know what’s in here,” he said, tapping a finger on my chest over my heart. “So when I tell you you’re ravishing, believe me, because my opinion is the only one that matters.”

I nodded. “Okay,” I whispered. I’d been leaning closer this whole time, so it was easy for him to cup the back of my neck and bring me the rest of the way. He kissed me slow and sweet, too tame for the current of need running through me.

The kitchen door swung open behind me, and the guard cleared his throat. “It’s time to go.”

I didn’t want to move from this spot. I belonged in my mate’s arms, but the logical part of my brain reminded me that the only way we could be together without risk was to get through the next hour. One fight, that was all that stood in our way.

He will win, my panther stated. It reinforced the certainty I’d felt since last night. Azar was dangerous, there was no doubt about that, but Tristan was resourceful. Clever and strong. “You will win,” I told him, echoing my beast and willing it to be true.

He paused, trying to disguise the flicker of doubt with a smirk. “Of course I’ll win, because you’re the prize.” He gave me one last hard kiss, leaving his taste in my mouth, before he nudged me back so he could hop off the stool. “Now come on. The faster we get this over with, the sooner I can claim you.” His smile turned sly. “Right here…” he said, gliding his fingertip over the curve of my neck. “My mark will look beautiful on this smooth skin.”