“There you are. Are you still working?” He appears at the door and leans against the door frame while I peer over my computer screen and check him out.
I stretch my arms above my head, realising I’ve been editing my latest photos for several hours now. I hadn’t noticed how late it was, seeing for the first time how dark it had become.
“I was, but I can finish this in the morning.” I reach to turn off the computer, but Jake moves to stand behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders and squeezing.
“Are these the photos from your Charleville trip?” I look up to see him staring at the screen.
“Yeah, what do you think?”
“I think it makes me want to go check it out. These are great, Little B.”
I grin and turn back to the computer, shutting everything down and following Jake to the kitchen.
We start making dinner together. Well, I start prepping the salad while Jake makes the main course.
“How was practice?” I ask, watching Jake start working on my favourite meal, the lasagne his mother is famous for.
“It was great. I think we’re almost ready to start doing regular gigs at the pub.” He’s started playing with two other guys he knew through friends here, a drummer named Mike and a base player named Barry.
I’ve sat in on a few sessions, and they are really good.
Sometimes, I marvel at this life we’ve been able to carve out together. Since I got my new job, I’ve lived between Stanthorpe and Brisbane. I’m so grateful that the remote position allowed me to spend as much time as possible with Jake.
After he’d found out about his Dad’s back problems, Jake took on more of the work in the business, which meant that he’d been unable to come back to Brisbane as much as he’d like. Still, with nothing keeping me tied to Brisbane besides our friends and families, it won’t be long until I live out here full-time. Stanthorpe has worked its way into my heart in a way I had never thought possible, and we’ve spent all our free time renovating the house to feel like a home.
“Oh, would you mind grabbing that paperwork over there for me?” Jake asks, nodding towards a pile of papers on the dining table.
I nod and move to pick it up, pausing when I read the words on the top page – Titles Registry Form.
“What is this?” I assume it’s something for work, but a small smile plays across his lips when I look up at him, leaning back against the bench with his arms crossed.
“I’d hoped I could do it all without you knowing first, but you need to sign all the documents as well. I’m adding your name to the ownership titles for both this place and the apartment.”
I stare at him, my brain struggling to catch up with what he’s saying. “What?”
Jake laughs and stands before me while I stare at the forms.
“You said once that you never wanted to be in a situation where you felt like you had no control over where you lived. So I’m adding your name to the titles for both, then it’s all equal.”
I look up at him, my eyes starting to well up. “I don’t even think about that anymore, Jake. I know you would never do anything like that to me. I trust you completely.”
“I know you do. But I want this. For you and our future.”
I put the documents back down before leaping into his arms. He catches me quickly and chuckles when I wrap my legs around his waist and kiss him hard.
“Have I told you today how much I love you?” I ask, and he laughs again.
“Not since I walked in the door, no.”
“Well, I love you. Like, a whole lot.”
“You’re alright,” he says with a cheeky grin.
I swat his shoulder before sliding back down to the floor. “Haha. Now make me dinner, boyfriend.”
“Yes, girlfriend.” He gives me a quick peck on the forehead before heading back into the kitchen.
While he’s busying himself prepping ingredients, his phone rings in his pocket.