Page 90 of The Winning Ticket

“Anyway,” Tara cuts in, “Have you heard back about that job you applied for yet, Bri?”

“I had an interview with them on Wednesday. I should find out next week if I got it or not.” Bri says with a nervous smile.

I automatically reach across the table, taking her hand to stop her from picking at her fingernails. “They’d be crazy not to give you the job, Little B.”

She takes a sharp breath, staring at our hands, before looking up at me slowly. I’m relieved when she doesn’t pull her hand away and continues to hold my gaze.

“Very smooth, Mr Boyd,” Will says, reminding us we aren’t alone.

I sit back in my seat when Bri slides her hand from mine, but when she continues to smile at me, I feel the familiar tightness in my chest, and I can’t help but smile back.

An hour later, Chris and Morgan finally accept that they are about to spend the night apart, and we all start leaving the restaurant. Bri has gone with her father to sort out the bill, and I hang back near the front door, waiting for her.

“Hey. We’re going to head off,” I say, catching her hand when she walks past where I’m standing. She hadn’t noticed me, and I feel slightly guilty when she jumps and places her other hand over her chest. “Sorry!”

“It’s okay. I was off in my own little world. Is Chris going with you, or did he drive himself?” she asks, rubbing her chest a little.

It feels like a small victory when she leaves her hand in mine.

“I’m driving the three of us to Chris’. Have you got a way home?” A part of me prays she says no so that I can take her home first.

Anything to make this time between us last longer. I’ll pay for the guys to Uber back to Chris's if it means I can spend even a minute more in her presence.

“Yeah, Annelisa is driving us.”

An awkward silence falls over us, and I look down at where our hands are clasped together.

“Are we… Are we okay?” I ask, stumbling over my words a little.

I’m not used to being so uncertain about where I stand with someone I’ve been sleeping with, and I don’t love this feeling. Bri is quiet for so long that genuine fear starts to run through me, and I don’t realise how tightly I’m squeezing her fingers until she squeezes back.

“We’re okay, Jake. I don’t think I could go back to a time without you in my life anymore.”

“I’ve missed talking to you this week. I’ve missed us.” I pull her in to wrap my arms around her, and she melts into my embrace.

“I’ve missed us too.”

I bury my face in her hair and take a deep breath, her familiar perfume as intoxicating as ever.

She stiffens slightly before looking up at me. I search her face, trying to understand what this is between us.

“Come on, guys, hurry up!” Kylie yells, and we break apart to find her and Morgan standing near the door.

Morgan is doing her best to look away from us, and I can feel the tension rolling off Bri when she looks at her sister.

“We’re coming,” I say, looking sternly at Kylie.

She rolls her eyes and grabs Morgan’s hand, dragging her back out the door.

Bri steps back out of my arms. “Guess we’d better get moving.”

She sounds reluctant, and that gives me more relief than it should. At least she isn’t racing to be away from me. I nod before following her out the door and joining our friends in the car park.

Everyone says their goodbyes, and Bri gives me one last look before climbing into the backseat of Annelisa’s car. Morgan manages to say a tearful goodbye to Chris before turning to me and giving me a quick hug.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Jake. I’ll be the one in white.” She steps back and smiles at me before glancing over her shoulder towards where Bri is watching us both. “Although maybe you won’t even notice me.”

Although I know she’s teasing, I can sense the underlying warning and shake my head.