“Well… that sucked.”
I snort, my face still buried in my hands. “You think?”
He rubs his hand up and down my back. “It’ll be okay, Bri.”
I swallow hard and raise my head to look at him. “How is this going to be okay? You saw their faces. The wedding is in a week, and now my sister probably won’t speak to me. Not to mention how they were looking at you.” My voice cracks, and I bury my head back in my hands.
“Hey. Look at me.” He shifts closer and reaches around to turn my face so that his gaze meets mine. He wipes away the tear that is tracking slowly down my cheek. “I don’t care what either of them has to say. The only people whose opinions matter in this situation are the two of us, okay? I know you wanted to keep this secret because Morgan was worried about me, but I’m fine, Little B. I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time. Are you happy with how things are between us?” he asks, his eyes searching mine.
I swallow, Will’s words from earlier running through my head. This has gone far beyond friends-with-benefits. I don’t think it ever was that simple.
“Yes,” I whisper, and he slides his fingers along my jaw, pushing my hair back behind my ear.
“Then that’s all that matters, and we’ll deal with the rest of this bullshit together, okay?” He kisses my forehead before tucking me into his side.
I sink into his embrace, allowing myself to be comforted by his presence, even though I can’t shake the look on Morgan’s face from my mind. Regardless of what Jake seems to believe, I know I’m in for a very difficult conversation with my sister.
The sun is streaming through the window when my phone dings. I slowly lift my arm from Bri’s stomach and roll onto my back, grabbing my phone from the bedside table.
We need to talk before you head home.
I look over at Bri, but she’s still fast asleep. It had taken hours for her to drift off last night, and there’s no way I’m waking her now. I lift the blanket and tip-toe out of the room as silently as possible, swiping my shorts off the floor and yanking them on. Maddie is waiting at the door, and I scoop her up before she can launch herself onto Bri, carrying her out onto the terrace with me.
It’s already midmorning, and the sun is fierce when I sit on one of the sun loungers. Settling Maddie beside me, I call Chris while I scratch her behind the ears.
“Hey,” he says quietly, and I suspect he’s trying to avoid waking Morgan.
Or just doesn’t want her to know he’s talking to me.
“Hey.” I am tired as hell and not even slightly in the mood for this conversation.
“What time are you heading back?”
“I’m heading home tomorrow.”
There’s silence on the other end of the phone for a while.
“I’ll meet you for a drink later then. The pub down the road from your place?”
We hang up, and I look down at Maddie. “That’s going to be a tonne of fun, hey Fluff Ball.”
She looks up at me with a little doggy smile. Somehow, this little dog has wormed her way into my heart along with her mother, and I sit there for a while, petting her while I stare out at the view and try not to think about the conversation I’ll be forced to have this afternoon.
I hear a door open inside, and Bri appears at the terrace door a moment later. Her long hair is a tangled mess, and her mascara is smudged under her eyes. She’s wearing my shirt, and honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful woman in my life.
“Hey. What are you doing out here?” she asks, her voice croaky.
I get up to stand in front of her, wrapping my arms around her. “I'm just looking at the view. You should still be sleeping.” I kiss her forehead, and she leans into me.