Page 40 of The Winning Ticket

“Well, any time you need an escape or want to just get away and take photos, I’ll happily come along for the ride. I’ve enjoyed hanging out with you since you’ve been back. And for the record, I hate the beach too.”

She smiles at me, and my heart feels a little lighter at the sight of it.

“Thank you, Jake. I’ve enjoyed spending time with you, too. I’d forgotten how easy it was just to be around you. Even now, after all these years of not seeing each other, I feel like you are one of the few people who truly understands me.”

“I’m glad, Little B, because I feel the same with you.”

She reaches over and squeezes my hand before standing up again. “Come on, I want to try and find a few more flowers.” She heads off in search of more garden beds, Maddie and I trailing behind her.

As she bends down in front of another flower, I pull my phone out of my pocket and snap my own photo. It might not be as fancy as any she takes, but it captures her joy perfectly as far as I’m concerned. I don’t think I’ve ever found her quite as beautiful as I do now, and I know it’s because she is so happy.

There is something about this woman. I try not to think about it too much, unsure of my feelings in all of this, but for now, I am happy to spend as much time with her as possible and be the friend I know she needs. Even if I know I am playing a dangerous game with my heart.

Several hours later, we’ve walked all over the city and finally returned to the apartment with an exhausted dog and sore feet. I had to carry Maddie for the last hour because her little legs had just had enough.

“Oh, blissful air con. I’m so glad we didn’t turn that off,” Bri says, kicking off her shoes and collapsing onto the couch.

I put Maddie down and remove her lead, hanging it up where Bri keeps it. I turn back and stop to look at Bri. She has let her hair out, and it’s splayed out behind her head against the back of the couch. I feel the now familiar tightness in my chest, and I admire her momentarily while she stares at the screen on her camera. I know the sore legs and arms from carrying the dog are worth it for the smile playing across her lips.

I clear my throat. “Will you edit them this afternoon?”

“No, I’m exhausted. I’d rather just chill out in the spa for the rest of the afternoon,” she says, turning the camera off and putting it on the coffee table.

She doesn’t move to get off the couch, though, and I grin at her after a moment.

“Need a hand getting up?”

She pokes her tongue out at me. “I don’t think I can move on my own.”

I chuckle and walk around the couch, reaching out to help her. She places her hand in mine, and I pull her up. I overestimate how much strength I need, and she collides with my chest when I pull her up too quickly.

She places her hands on my chest to steady herself, and I wrap my arms around her to keep her from falling backwards.

“Shit, sorry,” I say, looking down at her.

She looks up at me, her blue eyes perfectly framed by her long lashes, and my eyes immediately drift to her lips. Her breath hitches a little, and everything in me screams to close the distance between our lips and kiss her.

But I manage to control my urge to feel her lips pressed to mine, clearing my throat again while I step back, letting my arms drop to my sides. She looks at me for a moment longer and then smiles at me. The gorgeous smile makes me want to throw caution to the wind, say “fuck it”, and tell her everything that has been going through my head since she stepped back into my life.

But I don’t. I can’t risk ruining this friendship we have rebuilt, and I know she is still dealing with a broken heart.

Instead, I let her step around me and head into her room to change into her swimmers while I stand there for a few minutes. Then I make the snap decision to go and see my mother.

Perhaps some space will help me forget everything I want to do to this woman.

I’ve been lying to myself for weeks, telling myself we were just friends… I know I want more. So much more.




After saying goodbye to Jake on Sunday morning, when he promised to return next week, I lie back down on my bed and attempt to read for a while, but my mind keeps wandering back to the moment in the lounge room yesterday afternoon.

I could have sworn he was going to kiss me when he pulled me up from the couch. His gaze had dropped to my lips, and I’d felt his heart race under my palm, but he’d stepped back and let me walk away. Which I’d done, and now I am second-guessing myself, because as much as I keep protesting every time Morgan brings up things with Jake, I have thought about his lips far too often lately.

The intercom sounds, and I sigh, dragging myself off the bed. I make my way to the intercom. On the monitor, I see Mum and Morgan standing patiently, and I lift the receiver.