“You tired, JJ?” I ask, raising an eyebrow while he stalks towards where I’m leaning against the kitchen bench.
“Not even a little bit.” He pulls me into his chest and kisses me hard, and within seconds, we’re picking right up where we’d left off in the club.
I moan against his lips when he pinches my nipples through my dress, rolling them between his fingers.
“I cannot wait to fuck you while you’re wearing this little dress. It’s been all I can think about for the past few hours.”
I undo his belt and fly, slipping my hand inside his jeans and wrapping it around him.
“I can tell. You’re hard as a rock.” I pump my hand back and forth, and he groans against my neck, thrusting into my hand.
“Fuck, yes. Just like that, Bri.” He kisses me again, his hands still on my breasts.
With my hand still on him, he slowly slides the straps of my dress down so that I’m naked from the waist up and bends to trace his tongue over my left nipple.
I gasp and push my chest closer while I squeeze my hand, picking the pace.
“Not so fast, Little B or this will all be over before I can bend you over this bench.”
Neither of us hear the sound of the door unlocking.
But we freeze a second later when Morgan screams, “Oh my god!” from the open door, the key dangling in her hand while she and Chris gape at us.
“What the fuck?” Chris sputters, and Jake steps in front of me, his back to them while I quickly pull my dress back up, and he manages to get his fly done up.
“Fuck,” I say quietly when Jake slips his arm around my waist and turns to face them with me.
“What the hell is going on?” Morgan demands.
“I think that was pretty obvious,” Jake says, his grip on my hip tightening when laughter bubbles up within me.
I’m pretty sure it’s hysteria.
“Are you two… Are you… Are you sleeping together?” Morgan is swaying in the doorway, though whether it’s from what she’s just seen or the alcohol, I can’t tell.
“What are you guys doing back here?” Jake asks, his voice tight.
“She forgot her hair straightener in the bathroom,” Chris says, glaring at us both.
I look up at Jake, and he nods. I quickly enter the main bathroom and grab her straightener from the vanity. When I return to the kitchen, our unwanted visitors are still glaring at him while he stares them both down.
I hand Morgan the straightener, and she snatches it from me. “I can’t believe you’ve been lying to me all this time,” she says loudly, her voice shaking.
“Back off, Morgan,” Jake says, sliding between us.
“We will be talking about this when my head isn’t swimming from all the alcohol.” Morgan glowers at me, and Chris steps up behind her.
“Can’t wait,” I snap back.
“Actually, I don’t think it’s any of your business, Morgan. If Bri wants to talk to you about it, she will.”
His tone of voice takes me aback, and I look over my shoulder to find him glaring at them. Turning back, I see Chris give a slight nod and pull Morgan along behind him.
Jake steps around me, shutting the door again and sliding the chain across before resting his forehead against the door. My legs wobble underneath me, and I manage to reach the couch before I collapse.
“Fuck,” I whisper, dropping my face into my hands.
I hear Jake walk over and feel him sink down beside me on the couch.