Page 61 of The Winning Ticket

After undressing and handing Morgan the dress, she and Annelisa go to the counter to pay before heading to Annelisa’s house.

“So, what are you two stealing me away for?” I ask once it’s just me and my two best friends once again.

Kylie shoots me a cheeky grin. “So, Tara and I think you need to loosen up a bit. After the other night, we realised that everyone is being far too serious about you and Jake… So…” She is dragging me towards the section they’ve been in for the last half an hour. “Lingerie.”

They both grin at me when we stop in front of a sexy black number. I look back at them with raised eyebrows.

“What happened to ‘be careful, Bri’?” I ask, looking at Tara, who shrugs.

“I figured you are both grown-ups and can take care for yourselves. You’ve just come out of a shitty relationship, you deserve to let loose, and Jake is a great guy. So have fun… Wear the sexy lingerie and take full advantage of the weekend booty calls from a very hot, very giving man.” She waggles her eyebrows for added effect, and I laugh while I turn to survey the selection of lace and silk before me.

“You ladies are insane. And I love you both for it. Come on, let’s go find some outfits that will get me laid tonight.”

“I think you also need some new underwear just for yourself. One of the things I like to do after a break-up is to do a full underwear refresh. It helps remind me how sexy and badass I am without having to take a man’s opinion into account,” Tara says, holding up a particularly revealing bra and undies set.

“I agree wholeheartedly with this. And maybe we should get you a new outfit for when you walk into that meeting on Monday and hand that Cynthia bitch her ass,” Kylie says.

I laugh and shake my head as I look between them both. “So basically, you two want to play dress-ups, and I’m your doll?”

“Correct. Now, try this on.” Tara shoves the hanger into my hands before taking me by the shoulders and marching me back towards the dressing room. Kylie trails behind us, grabbing items as she passes.

And that is how I spend the rest of the day, parading around in underwear and random outfits with my two closest friends and wondering how I ever thought I was happy in Sydney when these two women weren’t there.




This morning had been alright. I hadn’t been particularly looking forward to spending hours trying on monkey suits, but Morgan had already called ahead with the suits she’d thought would work best to narrow down Chris’s options. She’d known it would be less painful, as Chris isn’t exactly known for his ability to make a decision quickly. This way, Will and I could keep him focused on the task at hand.

After settling on all-black, which would apparently be coupled with blue pocket squares and ties, it was all over within an hour, and we had escaped back to the apartment to watch hockey for a few hours.

Bri sent a few texts through the morning, complaining about the dress search, but I’d not heard from her for a few hours when Will and Chris left in the late afternoon. Once I let them out, I wander into the kitchen and stare at the food in the fridge while I pull my phone out of my pocket.


Do you want me to leave you some dinner, or have you got plans tonight?

We hadn’t discussed our plans for the weekend, and we didn’t have a chance to spend time together last night. I’d gotten in late due to a bad accident on the highway, and she’d already gone to bed because she needed to get up early this morning. After having spent the whole week fantasising about what I wanted to do with her, it had been beyond frustrating that circumstances beyond our control thwarted our plans.

Little B

OMW. What’s for dinner?


Would it be too forward if I said “You”?

I smirk when the little bubble appears almost immediately, before going away and reappearing several times. I can picture her trying to formulate a response.

I put my phone down and start pulling out the ingredients to make a simple pasta dish, wanting something quick and simple to get to dessert quicker.

When her response finally comes through, I feel my eyebrows fly upwards when I stare at my phone.

Little B

I think I can handle that. Can you?