Page 56 of The Winning Ticket

“Well, I just have to prove that I’m just as much of a god between the sheets as you are, buddy.”

“I wasn’t aware that my reputation was so well known,” I say, raising my eyebrows, even though he can’t see me.

“Girls talk, mate. And you most certainly have a reputation. Although, not so much lately,” he states, and I cringe.

He doesn’t need to know that I spent the weekend living up to that reputation with his almost sister-in-law.

“What can I say? I’m just waiting til I find the future, Mrs Boyd. However, I want to know who has been discussing my reputation. Which girls have been talking?”

“Apparently, you hooked up with some friend of Tara’s a while ago. I can’t remember her name, but she told Tara how good you were in bed, and Tara then told Annelisa, who told Morgan, who happily told me like I needed to know.”

“Fuck me, and I thought living in a small town was the problem. Apparently, it’s our little friendship circle I should have been worrying about.” I shake my head, wondering if Tara had also told Bri.

Knowing how close all the girls were, it wouldn’t surprise me.

“Don’t worry, buddy, your secrets are safe with me and Will.”

“And, of course, Will knows, too,” I say with a groan, and Chris laughs.

“No secrets in this family, mate.”

We hang up, and I go back to working out what to make for dinner, pushing aside the need to ask Bri if she has been talking to Tara.

After grilling a steak with some salad, I settle in front of the TV and start scrolling mindlessly through my phone.

Little B

So, what do you do with yourself at night there? I’m still adapting to this whole living alone thing, and I’m bored.


Basically, I sit in my loungeroom staring at the TV and imagine you naked.

Little B

Why only imagine when you can have the real thing?

I gulp, wondering where this is leading. Bri hasn’t struck me as the type to send nudes, but then, I hadn’t expected to have sex with her in the spa on Friday night either.


Are you teasing me, Little B?

Little B

Do you want me to tease you, JJ?


Depends. Are you up for a visitor this weekend?

Little B

Ooh, are you coming back this weekend? Yes, please, I think I can more than handle another weekend with you between my legs, JJ.


Such a dirty mind, Little B. I was just coming back to go wedding suit shopping. I don’t know what you were thinking I was going to do.