“What’s that about?” he said, covering his hand with mine. There was more care in that small gesture than I’d ever received in any of my relationships. And here I was, about to reveal the one thing, other than myself, that would stop us from being together.

“I might be pregnant. It might be a stomach bug but this low, dull nausea has been going on for some time. And I’ve been so tired.” By the time I was done, tears flowed down my face.

“I thought you might be pregnant. Your scent change, but I didn’t bring it up. I thought it was best to let you come to your own conclusions. It wasn’t my place. I hope you’re not angry with me.”

I shook my head. “I could never be angry with you, Zion.”

He blushed again; this time it reached his ears. Adorable. “I love hearing my name on your lips, Cicek.”

Okay, that was not friendly. Time to end this before he got hurt because if this sweet man’s heart was broken because of me, I would never forgive myself.

“What am I supposed to do?” I choked out the words around a sob.

He rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand. There was no judgment in his eyes. Only his constant love. “Here’s what we’ll do. Let’s put one foot in front of the other. I’ll go down to the drugstore and buy a pregnancy test. When I come back you can take it, and then you take one more step. One thing at a time.”

I scoffed. “Just like that.”

Nodding, he put his hand on my cheek and, gods forgive me, I leaned into it and let his touch soothe the most singed parts of myself. He was the balm to all my wounds. “Just like that, omega. I’ll be back in a few minutes. I promise.”

“Let me give you some money,” I said.

“Stop that. Ten minutes tops.”

He was out the door before I could say any more. My stomach buzzed with nervousness. I closed my eyes and counted my breaths, a calming technique I’d taught myself for the times when Derek got angry. Anger was Derek’s friend. Right up there with manipulation.

I fought against the catastrophizing as best I could, waiting for my bear to come back. The bear. Not my bear. My friend. Maybe my best friend.

Zion came back in the door quickly, holding up a bag. “I got two just in case. I’ll go back to my apartment but you call me if you need anything. In fact, I might come over later. I don’t…”

“Stay with me, please,” I begged in a small voice. “Please, Zion. I don’t want to be alone for this.”

He stepped all the way into my apartment and shut the door behind him. I held my breath as he walked over and pressed a kiss to my temple. “Then you won’t be alone. I’m here as long as you want me here, omega.”

Chapter Eleven


I hadn’t scented a change in the omega because there hadn’t been one. Oh, it might have intensified, that floral essence, but wasn’t different per se because he’d been pregnant when he arrived to take over the shop. But while I waited for Cicek to come out of the bathroom, I recognized that he had always scented pregnant. It wasn’t the same as when I’d been around couples where the omega was pregnant. This was very specifically him. And he was probably darn close to showing.

He’d been so vulnerable, carrying that bag into the bathroom, and I wanted to help him in every way I could, but this part he had to do himself. I didn’t know a lot about his former alpha, mostly just that he didn’t want to discuss him, which had been fine with me. But I hoped he would feel comfortable enough to talk now because that male was the baby’s biological father and would have to be at least informed if not involved. My bear already wanted to take care of his mate and our cub, but we had no right to step in unless we were asked.

Sure, he’d wanted us to stay while he took the test, but I could not allow that to make me think he meant more. He needed a friend, and I would be that friend. Whatever he needed.

“I’ll be right out,” he said, and the door creaked open. I had something to help with that…but maybe not tonight. Cicek appeared in the doorway, a stick in each hand. “I peed on them both.”

“That’s good, omega. How much time do we have to wait?”

“A few minutes, but you’ll have to look. I can’t.”

“All right.” I pulled some paper towels from the roll in the kitchen area and folded them then set them on the coffee table. “Put them down here.”

“Okay.” He reached over and set them on the toweling. “Now I’m closing my eyes.”

“Maybe sit down first?” His eyes were already firmly closed, so it wouldn’t be first, but I assisted him onto the couch. “What are you hoping to see?” I had a pretty good idea…

“I can’t be pregnant.” He sank into the cushions, crossing his arms across his chest.

I didn’t understand what he was talking about. A baby equaled a blessing and even though it wasn’t mine, I was happy for my friend. That was, if it came back positive, but between his scent and my bear’s assertions inside me, there was no question.