When I was hired, they had me sign an NDA, a non-disclosure agreement, and another contract that agreed to work hours and attendance. At the time, it seemed like a small price to pay. I was second-guessing myself, wondering if this job was worth it.I reminded myself that this firm was a catch, and the pay was excellent. Right now, I needed that salary more than ever. There was no fallback plan for me anymore.
“Well, at least come into the kitchen, andlet’sget you fed before you go.” Amber gave me a commiserating smile, patting me on the shoulder. “Come on, sweetheart.”
“Thanks.”I offered a watery smile, but Iwouldn’tturn her down.
I filled a plate in the kitchen with my favorite comfort foods from the selection in the cheery industrial space.
Sliding back into the booth, I set my plate down and indulged myself by watching Maddox while I ate. He was across the club with a group of menIdidn’tknow, making the rounds accepting condolences. Occasionally, they looked over to the table, but I noticed that Maddox shook his head more than once. He had the ‘president’patch hisMaddox’scut now, which used to belong to my Dad.
Ihadn’tbeen around, but my dad talked about the changes to the club, and I knew that Maddox had moved up. Dad had made him his Sergeant at Arms a while ago, so it was natural that the members would vote him in.
Tucking into my plate, I did not think about what washappeningwith MC business. Thankfully, itwasn’tmy problem, and I could leave that to Maddox.
I kept myself busy people-watching, and the club had always beenan excellentplace to do that. A few brave souls came over to talk and give their well wishes, but people still seemed a little shell-shocked. Also, I had been away from club life for almost four years, and it seemed like some of the players had changed.
Ducking into the bathroom to freshen up, I splashed water on my face and unpinned my hair. It had been killing me all day, and Icouldn’timagine having it up anymore. Rubbing my scalp was almost painful, but I couldn’t say that it didn’t feel better to have it down. I only wished I’d put a spare change of clothes in the car to drive home. My feet were killing me.
Just as I was hustling out of the bathroom, I ran straight into arigidbody. Hands immediately reached up to clutch my arms to steady me.
“Fuck.” The growl was unmistakable.Hesmelled like motorcycle oil and leather. Once again, there was that surreal sense of being close to Maddox like earlier, but my emotions were all over the place.
“You let your hair down,”he said obviously.
The retort was on the tip of my tongue, but I stopped myself.
I had no choice but to tilt my head to look at him. Even with heels on, I was considerably shorter than he was, just a few inches over five feet in my bare feet. Unlike me, Maddox Bishop was a giant at six feet four inches tall. Although I liked how he towered over me, I was still tiny. His hands moved from my shoulders into my hair, tightening imperceptibly, twisting the strands in his fingers.
“It was giving me a headache. Icouldn’tleave it up anymore. I had to put it up for work this morning.It’snot my usual thing,”I babbled, but itdidn’tseem likehewas hearing me anyway. He was touching me, actually touching me. His hands ran through my hair, pulling the strands this way and that, massaging my scalp. I wanted to lean into him. Instead, I settled on staring up at him and how he looked at me with abject longing.
“You smell like coconuts.”He leaned, his nose comingclose as ifsmelling me.
Was he going to kiss me? It felt like he wanted to. I was distracted by the feel of those callused hands tangled in my hair. Then, he suddenly released me—practically pushing me away from him like I had the plague.
“You have to go,”he said with authority, shaking his head as if coming out of a daze. Pulling his hands back from myhair, he crossed his arms and frowned at me. His hazel eyes turned hard.
“What?”I asked, stumbling back, confused. He wanted me to leave; what was this about?
“You need to go,”he repeated. His face was set back into that perpetually grumpy frown, his eyes unreadable.
“O-K-A-Y.” I dragged the word out as I blinked up at him.“You’reacting weird. Were you going to kiss me?”I asked.“I would have let you.”I tacked on the last part in case there was any doubt. This smackedof the sort ofconversation he had with me the night of my graduation. Maybe he was always like this.
“Don’tbe stupid.You’renot my type.”His words were cutting and cruel, but they were purposeful. “You’re still that naive little girl.”
“Sure, whatever you say,”I retorted.His face was implacable and hard.“Fine, ifthat’show you want it.”
Getting into my car afterward, I considered the situation. I had left with my pride intact, but barely. Whatever that had been about, I didn’tthink it had been about me at all. Maddox had alwaysbeen tightly wound, but I was well past the age of consent now, somy age shouldn’t be a problem anymore.
Shaking my head, I left those thoughts for another day. I had more than enough on my plate grieving the loss of my father. The last thing I needed to do was startsomething newwith Maddox. Leaving Haverboro and the Iron Brotherhood in my rearview mirror, I headed back toward Phoenix with one longing look. Damn Maddox Bishop for making me want him so much.
Present Day - Maddox – age 36
“Ilike it when they lie,don’tyou?” Smiling, I kicked my feet up on the shitty metal desk, andI nodded to my Sergeant at Arms, Dimitri. He looked a little too gleeful ifI was being honest with myself.
“Sure do.”Dimitri’sknife was already glinting in the glow of the dirty light.
The man tied to the chair had already been beatenrepeatedly but had so far denied stealing from the Iron Brotherhood.While I was president,theftwasn’tsomething I would stand for on my watch.An example was going to have tobe made.