Page 12 of Saving Helena

"Are you alright, princess?"I grunted out. Her head nodded against myt-shirt,her hands clenched against my belly. I would have liked to move thema little lower, but I quickly reminded myself who she was.Thiswas Helena, damn it, not some club bunny that I could just fuck in the club and toss over to the side. Helenaalwayshad forever stamped on her. Roscoe ensured everyone knew it, too; the brothers were given the talk from the beginning. Helenawas madefor picket fences, babies, and rings. She was not put on earth to be some damn club whore. That was okay with me. Helena Marsh was my forever; it was time for her to know it.

My bike enginegrowled, roaring as I twisted the throttle and pulled away from the station.The ride remained silent, the only sounds being the rush of wind and the hum of the motorcycle. Helena was no stranger to riding. Witha firm grip on my waist, shebalanced like a pro. She felt good behind me—which wasn’t surprising like she belonged there.

When we reached the outskirts of town, I guided the bike through the old, familiarroute that led down the backroad to theclub'scompound. The Iron Brotherhood was well-established and preferred their main clubhouseto beaway from town. We owned a few of the businesses in town, but the main living quarters were on the outskirts, where the brothers couldhave a bit ofquiet.We had our main area and bar that we called the Open Road. That was the primary entertainment area and clubhouse where members could congregate even if they didn’t live onsite. There was a kitchen, and meals were provided daily, although if members came for food, they were expected to sign up for kitchen duties. I couldn’tsay the town hadn’t appreciated that the roar of the motorcycles was away from them, too, not that wehadn’tbrought them enough business to compensate for it, though.

As we dismounted, club members glanced my way, their expressions shifting as they recognized Helena. I led her through the compound, avoiding unnecessary attention as much as possible, although Iwasn’tsure why. That was a lie I was telling myself, though; I wanted to keep her to myself.

The clubhouse door swung open, and we entered the dimly lit interior. The airwas thick with the scent of leather and cigar smoke. Most of the stares were friendly, but Ihadn’tmissed Dimitri in the back corner, whosat up at his table and shoved the club bunny off his lap. Even when I agreed to pick her up, I knewhewould be an issue. Dimitri had a history with the Marshes that went way back.

"Helena, is that you?"Whitney'sbooming voice echoed over the music as he emerged from behind the bar.

Helena’sface broke into a smile.“Whitney,”she laughed as she threw her arms open wide. Hedidn’thesitate to scoop her up. Helena was tiny on a good day, just over five feet five, soakingwet. I realizedsuddenlyIdidn’tget ahugor that kind of greeting.

Whitney’sface softened. He gave her another squeeze.“Ah, kiddo. I missed you. Let me look at how beautiful you are.You’vegrown up. Amber is going to be so excited thatyou’reback. Well,I'llbe damned. All grown up and back in thelion'sden. What brought you here, sweetheart?"

Helena'seyes flickered with emotions, and she glanced briefly at me before answering."I need a place to stay for a few days, Whitney. Things got a little complicated. I need a place for a bit."

Whitney nodded knowingly, his gaze shifting between us."Complicated, eh?"He slapped me on the back with a knowing grin."Maddox, my man, seems likeyou'vegot some explaining to do."

“Not like that old timer,”Helena laughed easily, and Icouldn’thelp but beslightlyinsulted. What did she mean, not like that? It would be just likethat, and I wouldmake sure ofit.

I shot him a warning glance, and he chuckled, returning to his post behind the bar. Helena looked around, taking in the familiar surroundings of the clubhouse, breathing deeply. Although, if I were her, Iwouldn’tbreathe in too much. Alcohol, smoke, and the occasional funk of the clubweren’texactly the best smells. I supposedto Helenait was the smell of home. The low hum of conversation and the pounding music pulsed in the background.

I guided Helena to a quieter corner, away from prying eyes and curious ears."Look, Helena,you'rewelcome here, butyouwant to tell mewhat’sgoing on?"

She gave me aslightshrug, but her eyes betrayed a storm of emotions."I never thoughtI'dcome back here, Maddox. But Ididn’tknow where else to go."She chewed a nail briefly, her eyes unfocused, andI feltwrongfor pushing her.

Something had happened for her to call and have just a single bag of shit. I couldn’t guesswhat had happened.I’dthink shewas caught upwith some douchebag, but she rarely dated, and she never brought men home to the apartment.

“Things got out of control at work,”she started, then hesitated.Mygut clenched with the broad implications behind the statement.“I found something out about what they were doing – or at least whatsome of them were involvedin any way.”That sick sense in my gut turned into a knot. Whatever this was that she was talking about was going to bebad. Her bright green nails rubbed a water droplet on the tabletop, mesmerizingme.“I’mjust going to need some advice from you. Ididn’tknow where else to go,”she finally confessed.

Thisissue with her company caught me entirely by surprise. I had checked outhercompany before, andit seemed legit, butto behonest. The cursory check of the employee roster here and there had seemed sufficient. Installing the camera near her outside door alcove was a step too far, but it gave me just enough of a hit each day to keep me from going after her. My initial check of the company had been brief when she started working there. The whole thing looked legitimate, but perhaps that was how itwas meantto look.I’mafraid to ask what she found.Helena knew what her father and the clubwereinvolved in, soif sheran,it must not be good.

"You did the right thing, coming here for help,”I said. “You don’t have to explain everything right now. Theclub'sgot your back. Whatever help you need is yours."I found that I never meant anything more. Now, things were different, and Helenawas grown. Shewasn’toff limits to me.Thishadn’tbeen howI’dimagined things, but if Helena needed help,I would be the one to provide it. I would give her everything she needed and everything she never knew she wanted.

She reached a hand over, and her small one clasped mine on the table, thosetinygreen nails winking at me.“Thank you, Maddox,”she bit her lip uncertainly. I was disturbed to see her eyes fill with tears.

“Princess,”I started, squeezing her hand lightly. It was alarming that I felt this surge of emotion. The club had plenty of people rivetedto the spectaclewewere creating, including Dimitri, whowas burning holes in her jacket.

“Let’s have that drink first. Then we’ll talk?” She swallowed back tears and forced a smile. “It’s been kind of a crazy day.” She gave me a crooked smile.

“Anything you want.”How could I say no? She looked exhausted. Making idle conversationwasn’tdifficult. Then, I would put her into her room and tuck her in. Finally, Helena Marsh was back, and I could watch her close up.

As we talked, other MC members approached, welcoming Helena back. News traveled fast in a close-knit community like ours, and her return was thebuzz of the clubhouse. That meant hugs and pats on the back. I frowned.

“Prez,”Whitney signaled to me from behind the bar, and I excused myself momentarily to join him, letting her enjoy her talk with Amber. “Maddox, what’s going on with her? I thought she was all settled there."Worry showed on his face in the sharp lines that bracketed his mouth as he watched the pretty blonde.

I ran a hand through my hair, sighing."I thought so too, Whitney. But I’ll figure it out and see what’s up.She’srunning from something.We'lldeal with the rest as it comes,”Isoothed. Whitney gave a reluctant nod, but his eyes were on Helena and her shadowed eyes.

“It is good to see her. God, it seemed just like yesterday that Roscoe was carting her around with a bow taped to her head and a little patch sewed to her onesie,”he said with a chuckle.“Look at her now. What a beauty.”

“Yeah, she is something,”I acknowledged.

“Surprised that you’re welcoming her back. Didn’t think you thought much of her.”

“Pulling no punches, old man. Fuck.”I’dbe pissed off, but Ididn’tmiss the wicked humor in his eyes. He knew I hadanunhealthy obsession with Helena thatI’dalways kept close to my vest.“I’mnot sure even she knew ifshe’dbe welcome, butI’mglad she went with her instincts and made the call.”

"You'vegot your work cut out for you, my friend. Not only with her but with some of the members. A fewdon’tlook happy to see a Marsh back here after."