Page 58 of The Keeper

“Why would she kill Nat?”

“Let’s go find out,” Abbott said.

Phaedra greeted them with a warm smile when they entered the prosecutor’s office. When Seth couldn’t return her enthusiasm, she shifted her gaze between the two men. Seth made a quick introduction that did nothing to smooth her furrowed brow.

“Tony is in court,” Phaedra said.

“We’re here to talk to Cynthia,” Seth replied. Phaedra lifted her phone to call Cynthia, but Seth asked her to stop. “Please just open the door.”

Phaedra held his gaze for a few seconds before she returned the phone to the cradle and buzzed them in.

Seth thanked the receptionist and opened the door.

“Hopefully she won’t tip Cynthia off,” Abbott whispered as he followed Seth down the hallway.

“There’s really no place for her to run to,” Seth said.

Cynthia was in her office, studying something on her desk so intently she didn’t realize they stood in the open doorway. Seth rapped his knuckles against the doorframe, and she snapped her head up. Cynthia looked exhausted, but she attempted to smile until she saw Seth’s expression. She stood up so fast her chair flew back and hit the wall. “What’s wrong?”

Seth stepped into the office and gestured to Abbott, who followed him into the cramped space. “Cyn, this is Agent Shayne Abbott. He’s reinvestigating Natalie’s murder and has some questions for you. I’m just tagging along as a courtesy.”

“Oh,” Cynthia said. She started to sit and nearly fell when her chair wasn’t where she expected it to be.

Seth rushed forward and steadied her before she fell. Cynthia latched onto his arms and didn’t let go. She trembled from head to toe, and when she finally met his gaze, Seth knew Abbott’s suspicions were right. He’d held out hope for a valid explanation for her lie, but the sudden sobs racking Cynthia’s body told him everything he needed to know. His heart broke all over again, just as acute as the day they’d discovered Natalie’s body. This reality was unfathomable to him. Cynthia? Natalie’s sister from another mister or whatever they used to say? A stronger emotion simmered in his gut, and he needed to get it under control or risk breaking his promise to Abbott. He didn’t know how long they stood there staring into one another’s eyes, a silent communication transmitting between them. Cynthia wanted forgiveness, and Seth needed answers. He helped her sit down in her chair, but she wouldn’t release her hold on his arms.

“Why, Cyn?”

She wailed louder, and several of her coworkers rushed to her office, pausing when they took in the scene. Abbott flashed his badge and shut the door, but Seth knew it wouldn’t help. They’d overhear what Cynthia was about to confess, and the news would be all over town before they left the building. He wanted to break the news to his family instead of letting them find out through the rumor mill.

“Cynthia, maybe we should talk at the station,” Seth suggested. “We’d have more privacy.”

She snuffled. “Everyone is going to know what I did.” She gripped him tight enough that her fingernails would have dug into his skin if not for his long sleeves. “I didn’t mean to hurt her. I just…lost it. I was so fucking mad at Nat.”

“Wait a minute,” Abbott said gently. “We need to go through some proper channels.” He Mirandized Cynthia and asked if she wanted to call an attorney.

Seth freed himself from her grasp and stepped back. If he wanted to maintain his professionalism, he probably should keep his cousin’s killer out of arm’s reach. Seth eased back around to the front of her desk. There was only one chair, and he sat down in it to make eye contact easier. Abbott remained in front of the door with his arms crossed over his chest.

Cynthia swiped her arm over her face to wipe her runny nose. All traces of the professional woman Seth knew were gone. “The truth has eaten me alive and destroyed every relationship I’ve ever had. It’s time.”

“Do you have any weapons in your desk or on your person I should know about?” Seth asked.

Cynthia swallowed hard and shook her head. “I haven’t so much as hurt a fly since that day.” She raised her chin and met Seth’s gaze. Tears poured down her cheeks, and he slid the box of tissues to her. She snatched two and began wiping her face. “I mean it, Seth. I never intended to hurt her. But she…” Cynthia balled the tissues in her fist and emitted a fierce growl. “She wouldn’t listen to me.”

“Tell me why you were so mad in the first place.”

A hot flush stole across her cheeks, as if the memory might still infuriate her. Then, Cynthia raised her head and met Seth’s gaze again. Misery shimmered in her eyes, and he saw remorse instead of fury.

“We had a huge fight about Ryan.” Cynthia shook her head. “No, that’s not fair. Ryan was just the final straw.”

“How so?” Seth asked.

Cynthia banged her balled fist on top of her desk, and anger replaced misery in an instant. “I lived in Natalie’s shadow my entire fucking life. She was prettier, sweeter, smarter, and funnier. She was better at everything we tried, from sports to dancing. Every girl wanted to be her, and every guy wanted to date her. My own family loved her more than me. My dad used to call her his favorite daughter. And you know what, Seth? I understood. I loved her so damn much, and I felt honored that she’d want me for her best friend. I lived to please her.” Cynthia’s chest heaved as she took big, gulping breaths. “Ryan was supposed to be different.” Cynthia’s entire body quaked, and then she yelled, “He said he wanted me! He loved me!”

Her words bounced off the walls in the tiny office, and Cynthia covered her mouth with trembling fingers. “Ryan told me I was beautiful and special. He said he loved me. No guy had ever paid attention to me with Natalie around, and I soaked in his attention like a sponge.” Her expression suddenly turned so brittle Seth expected Cynthia’s face to crack. “Ryan was the perfect boyfriend until I gave him what he wanted. I cried in Natalie’s arms when he dumped me. She stroked my hair and told me I deserved better.” Cynthia started trembling again, and rage made her pupils dilate until only the thinnest circle of her irises showed. “What I deserved was a better friend because that whore stole Ryan out from under me, but I didn’t know for a while.” She snorted derisively. “I figured it out about the same time I realized that son of a bitch gave me an STD. I was too ashamed to tell my parents or Natalie. I buried my head in the sand and hoped it would go away on its own.” Cynthia’s voice trailed off, and her eyes seemed to lose focus.

“How’d you find out Natalie was dating Ryan?” Seth asked, hoping to steer her back on track.

Cynthia flinched, blinked a few times, and looked surprised to see him in her office. Her lips curved into a surprised smile until she saw Abbott and remembered why they were there and what they’d been discussing. The sorrow, shame, and anger blanketed her fine features once more, and Seth nodded for her to continue.