Over the next several minutes, his man looked both humble and confident as he recited the speech he’d written with Rory. Seth didn’t bring a copy with him to the podium, and he didn’t use teleprompters; he looked at his constituents and spoke from the heart. Rueben was sure he heard some swooning in the hall.
“I am not a perfect man,” Seth said, “but you won’t find anyone else who loves this county more than I do. I’ve pledged my entire life to serving my country and our community. My dedication has never wavered, and it never will. Some of you will feel I’ve broken your trust, and I ask for an opportunity to earn it back again. You won’t regret it.”
Seth opened the room to questions from the press. Like Rory said, he fielded a few questions about the investigation until the reporters realized he wouldn’t budge. Tony declined to comment, promising to hold a presser with the task force as soon as they could align their schedules. The Q&A session didn’t last long since there wasn’t much Seth could add to what he’d already said in his statement. The bulk of the crowd lingered so they could convey their support to Seth. The gathering was large, but it only represented a small sampling of the county, so it was impossible to know what impact one meeting would have. Rory was already working on a multiphase strategy, and he knew Seth was in excellent hands.
Rueben waited patiently at the side of the room until Seth strode over an hour later. He looked tired and relieved as he reached for Rueben’s hand. The interaction drew the gaze of the people still loitering in the town hall, and Rueben vowed to get used to it. He made a mental note to chat with Rory about things he could do to present his best image publicly. Rueben had already agreed to do an interview with Oliver for his podcast the following week. It was the least he could do after Oliver went to battle for Seth. He doubted they’d ever be friends, but they could be friendly.
“Let’s go home,” Seth said, then leaned closer. “Maybe we can check off another room.”
Rueben’s insides turned to goo when Seth referred to his house as Rueben’s home too. The rest of Seth’s words registered, and Rueben lengthened his stride. “Mudroom.” He’d already eyed the long bench in the space. There were so many things they could do with that bad boy.
Seth’s family and closest friends gathered at the Feisty Bull on the first Tuesday in November to await the election results. Some people at their makeshift headquarters were nervous, but not Rueben, Rory, or Seth’s mom. Cassandra Burke’s first stop upon returning from her Alaskan Cruise had been Seth’s house, where she threw her arms around Rueben and welcomed him to the family. Donovan, Seth’s father, had been a tad more reserved but no less welcoming. All the Burkes and Harts were gracious, and Rueben loved being around the rowdy, boisterous bunch. They were all in high spirits as they ate, drank, and cheered with every update Rory gave them from the election board.
“He’s going to wear a hole in Aunt Deb’s floors.” Kerry gestured his beer to where Rory paced back and forth with his cell phone held to one ear and a finger plugged into the other. “An hour ago, he said the election board was on the verge of calling the race.”
“Uh-huh,” Seth said. “We all heard the same thing.”
Kerry’s lips twitched on one side as if he were fighting off a smile. “You’re not exactly annihilating Martindale at the polls.”
Keegan set down his soda and winced. “Ouch.”
Kerry shrugged and added, “But Rory said the lead is insurmountable for him.”
“You don’t say,” Seth replied drolly.
“I didn’t say it. He did.” Kerry gestured across the bar again, and they all watched as Rory stiffened and searched the room, a smile blooming on his face. Kerry slapped Seth on the back hard enough to rattle his bones. “Congratulations, cuz.”
Seth smiled but said nothing. Rueben worried he’d had the air knocked out of his lungs, but then Seth turned to him. “Will you stand with me when I address the crowd?”
“I’d be honored to,” Rueben replied. They’d been nearly inseparable since that fateful night with Reggie. They parted ways to go to work, but that was it. “I’m so proud of you.”
“One day, I’m going to ask you to stand with me before our families and friends and vow to love me forever,” Seth said.
Rueben sucked in a breath so hard he choked on it. “Now?” he rasped.
“We’re underdressed,” Seth said. “Soon, though. Once you find the keeper, you want to put a ring on his finger so the universe knows.” He cupped Rueben’s face and kissed his mouth.
Reuben threw his arms around Seth’s neck. “I’m going to say yes.”
“What’s this? What’s happening?” Rory asked when he reached the table and assessed the scene.
“Seth just informed Rueben he’s going to propose to him someday,” Kerry said.
“Awwww,” Keegan cooed. “And Rueben is going to say yes when that day comes.”
“What the hell, Sanchez? Way to steal my damn thunder.” Rory tossed the piece of paper in the air and let it fall to the ground. He took a few steps away from the table before pausing and looking over his shoulder. “Oh, congratulations, by the way. Your reelection is official.”
Keegan picked the piece of paper off the floor and set it on the table in front of Seth. He won sixty percent of the vote, a figure they all knew should be much higher.
Seth released a sigh. “I have my work cut out for me.” Winning because he was the lesser of two evils wasn’t what Seth wanted, and he was determined to prove his worth. He stood up and held out his hand to Rueben. “Let’s go tell everyone the good news.”
Linking his fingers through Seth’s, Rueben followed him to the front of the restaurant. The chatter died down as they approached the microphone Rory had set up. Seth released his hand to slide an arm around Rueben’s waist.
“I don’t really need this thing, do I?” Seth asked, gesturing to the microphone.
“A little louder,” someone hollered from the back.
Seth cleared his throat. “I have some great news I want to share.” His friends and family cheered again, and he waited for them to calm down. “There won’t be a new sheriff in town.” The room erupted into whooping and hollering. Seth turned and captured Rueben’s smiling lips in a victory kiss for the books.