Page 41 of The Keeper

“How is a simple sandwich so good?” Seth asked once he finally turned his attention to his hoagie after mowing through half the potato salad. “Meat, cheese, pickles, and mayo. I eat this all the time.”

“Quality meats and cheese.” Rueben then pointed toward himself. “Assembled with love.”

Seth leaned forward and kissed him. “Hmmm. That must be the key ingredient.” They didn’t speak again until they finished eating. Seth settled a hand over his stomach. “We need to do this more often.”

“Share a meal or spend the weekend together?”

“Both,” Seth replied. “I know it’s risky and stupid now that Oliver is onto us, and Martindale will look for anything to use against me. But I need you, and I want you.” The sincerity in Seth’s eyes stole Rueben’s breath.

“I need and want you too, so we will make this work.” Rueben nodded to the other side of the house. “What about that outbuilding? It looks big enough for my old truck to squeeze in.”

Seth worked his lip between his teeth for a few seconds. “It used to house my grandpa’s boat, but now it shelters about three decades of nonsense. Your truck would fit if I cleaned it out.”

“We,” Rueben said. “Sounds like a Sunday afternoon job for us. Then we’ll draw the curtains tight and dare Oliver to become a dirty peeping Tom to get the proof he needs.”

Seth snorted. “I wouldn’t put it past him.” Then Rueben would give that fucker a show and remind him what he gave up. Seth cupped his face and stroked his cheek. “I don’t want to hide you away like a dirty secret. I’m proud to love you.”

Rueben swayed forward and crashed into his chest. “It’s only temporary.”

Seth’s eyes sparkled with an intensity that made Rueben’s pulse leap. He opened his mouth but snapped it shut. He repeated this once more, then released a frustrated sigh.


“There’s something I want to tell you about the Carsons, but I shouldn’t.”

“Then don’t,” Rueben replied simply. He could try to convince himself he said that to preserve Seth’s professional integrity, but Rueben knew fully well he was trying to prevent himself from getting his hopes too high. The Carsons were in town, and Lyndhurst had made it clear in his office that he hoped to make a plea bargain that could result in a speedier resolution. Holding out hope that one of those assholes would do the right thing was more than Rueben could bear. It was better to focus on the blessing right in front of him. “I love you.”

Seth’s eyes darkened even more. “I love you.”

Rueben leaned in for a kiss that turned from flirty to dirty in an instant when he slipped his hand between Seth’s thighs. He pulled back and smiled. “It’s okay to admit I’m the keeper.”

Seth’s tongue swiped across his lower lip as if he sought remnants of Rueben’s taste there. “It’s implied.”

Rueben tsked, leaned in closer, and called upon the bravado and swagger he’d exuded when he’d issued the stamina challenge. “You’re going to say the words before the weekend is out.”

Seth arched a brow and raised his arms. “Do your worst, baby.”

They locked eyes but didn’t move, each one sizing up the other. Then they burst into action, shoving the coffee table out of the way and tackling each other to the rug. Seth was bigger and stronger and landed on top, but like most people, he underestimated Rueben’s determination and wiliness. He had to admit his prospects of winning didn’t look so good when Seth pinned both arms over Rueben’s head with one hand, then used his body to press Rueben’s slighter frame against the rug. Rueben could either fight against the hold or reel the sexy fucker in and take him down when he least expected it.

“Surrender,” Seth said smugly.

“I already gave you my heart and body,” Rueben replied. “What more could you possibly want?”

Seth’s grip around Rueben’s wrists softened, as did the expression in his gray eyes. His guy was such a softie at heart, and Rueben vowed never to betray it. Seth lowered his forehead to rest it against Rueben’s. “I think I’ve waited my whole life for you.”

“You think?”

A soft chuckle danced over Rueben’s lips, followed by a sweet and too-short kiss. “I know.” Seth’s mouth curved into a smile. “I also know that you’ve restored my trust and made me want to tear down the walls around my heart. You’ve introduced a future I never dreamed possible before. Do you really want to have kids with me?”

Rueben nodded.

A wondrous expression washed over Seth’s handsome face. “Wow.” He swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “And I know other things too.”


“I know that you’re waiting for a sign of weakness so you can strike out and work your magic on me.” Seth dug his fingers into Rueben’s ticklish ribs, and the games were on.

The two of them exuded a lot of energy vying for dominance amidst taking off their clothes and jockeying for position. Rueben was so fucking turned on that he’d nearly forgotten the original mission until he got Seth slicked up and on his back. He mounted those muscled thighs in a reverse cowboy position so his man could watch his dick disappear in Rueben’s tight channel. He took his sweet time sinking down on that glorious cock, soaking up every whisper of adoration and worship coming from Seth’s mouth. After a few inches, Rueben braced a hand on the floor and used the leverage to rock back and forth in short, fast bursts, never going deeper than halfway. The position pegged his prostate and nearly made him come, but he didn’t want to do that before he got his admission. Besides, he was having too much fun turning his man inside out.