Seth raised his arm and rubbed the back of his neck but continued to ice Rueben out.
“So what happens next?” Rueben asked.
“We prepare like there will be a trial,” Lyndhurst said. “At some point, we will begin prepping witnesses.”
The prosecutor explained Rueben might not take the stand during the trial since he didn’t see Quinton Carson cut the brake lines on the truck. They would rely on physical evidence and Keegan’s testimony to tie him to that crime. “You would likely only address the court during the punishment phase if a jury convicts the Carsons.”
“When, not if,” Rueben corrected.
Lyndhurst smiled and nodded. “I like your confidence, Mr. Sanchez.”
“I don’t know how to be any other way, sir.”
“Mr. Scott, your testimony will be integral to our prosecution, so we will spend a lot of time prepping you for trial.”
“How will you do that?” Keegan asked.
“My clerks will run a mock trial to prepare you for the questions we’ll ask during your testimony and those we predict the defense will pose during cross-examination. They’ll want to blast holes in your testimony by any means necessary. They will imply through questioning that you consented to that heinous abuse, and they will also suggest another party coerced you into lying about Salvation Anew’s activities.”
“Coerced by who?” Keegan asked in disbelief.
Lyndhurst glanced at their joined hands and said, “It’s clear you’re close to the guys on Redemption Ridge. You live there now, correct?” When Keegan nodded, he continued. “They will try to twist your actions as proof you were desperate to fit in somewhere. You were weak and vulnerable, and Cash Sweeney and his crew took advantage—”
Keegan lunged to his feet. “That is not what happened.”
Lyndhurst threw up his hands and patted the air in the classic gesture that never really calmed anyone down. “We know that, Mr. Scott, and I will do everything in my power to make sure the jury has to strike these nonsensical things from the record, but they can’t unhear things. They might not admit that stricken testimony is factored in their verdict, but it could be. It is my job to dissect even the tiniest details of this case and prepare for every eventuality. The defense will do their best to ensure this case never gets in front of a jury. They’ll look for any form of misconduct or coercion in the investigation, which we know they won’t find.” Lyndhurst dashed a smile at Seth, who somehow looked even stonier. “I fear that any attempt I’ve made to reassure you has backfired, and you probably doubt my abilities to try this case now. I promise today is the exception and not the rule, and I will endeavor to be more open as this process moves forward.”
“Okay,” Keegan said. “I can’t get hung up on things I can’t control. I just have to trust the process.”
“I find your attitude refreshing, Mr. Scott.”
Rueben barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the proud-papa expression. Like this guy had anything to do with Keegan’s recovery. The dude better hope his bumbling performance during the meeting didn’t cause a setback. Rueben stood up because he’d had all he could take. “Keep in touch.”
“Will do.”
Keegan stood up too, and they filed toward the door. Rueben heard Seth rise to his feet and hoped they could steal a few minutes of privacy to clear the frosty air between them.
“A word, Sheriff,” Lyndhurst said.
“Of course.” The relief in Seth’s voice was palpable.
Rueben’s heart sank, but he notched his chin higher and held it there as they retraced their steps to the front lobby. He nodded cordially at the lady in reception and opened the exterior door for Keegan. He kept his shit together until they were alone in the pickup truck. Two or three years without touching or kissing Seth? That was out of the question. They’d have to find a way to be together. Rueben recalled the private conversation Seth had with Cynthia and the way he refused to look at Rueben. Was he too late already? A hot flush rolled over his body as simmering frustration threatened to boil over. Rueben reached over to crank up the air-conditioning and noticed Keegan was trembling.
Wounded hazel eyes met his, and Rueben’s irritation melted into a puddle of goo. “Maybe I should move out. I don’t want to give them ammunition to hurt anyone on the ranch.”
“Nonsense. We’re your family, and you’re not going anywhere.”
“First, the Carsons nearly killed you, and now they’re cockblocking you,” Keegan said.
“And we’re done paying for their mistakes. Let me worry about the situation with Seth. You concentrate on healing.” Rueben reached over and covered Keegan’s hand. “I’m so damn proud of you. Fuck, you were amazing in there.”
Keegan’s cheeks turned rosy. “It felt good to stand up for myself.”
“So just think how much fiercer you’ll be by the time the trial rolls around.” Please don’t let it be two or three years. “You’ll shred those dickheads on the stand.”
Keegan’s smile lit up his face and cleared the hurt from his gaze. “Hell yeah, I will.”