Of course he’d bring it up. Luckily, Kerry said it away from the ladies. Seth didn’t want Cynthia to get caught up in his web of lies and deceit, and Shawna would push until Seth told her something to pacify her curiosity. It was better to avoid the conversation altogether, so Seth gave the sofa they were hauling a little nudge. Kerry, who was walking backward, took two quick steps to adjust to the pace. He narrowed his eyes but shut his mouth, and Seth chalked that up as a win-win outcome.
A cell phone rang outside, and Cynthia answered the call. A few moments later, Seth heard footsteps approaching quickly. “Hey, Seth,” Cynthia said breathlessly. His phone rang before he could acknowledge her. “That’s going to be Tony calling you with an update. You definitely want to take it.”
Seth didn’t drop the sofa on Kerry when his phone rang, but it was pretty close. His heart pounded frantically, and he took a deep breath to settle his nerves as he reached for his phone. “Sheriff Burke.” His authoritative tone made Kerry snort and Cynthia waggle her brows.
“Seth, it’s Tony. I have great news.”
Heart beating triple time, Seth said, “I’m all ears.”
“I just got a call from Mick Carson’s attorney. His client wants to talk, and we’re going to meet at six. I texted Cynthia to put her on standby, and she told me you were helping her move. That’s mighty nice of you.”
Seth wanted to skip the pleasantries, but Tony’s news was a weighted blanket for his soul. It sounded like the nightmare was going to be over much quicker than he’d feared. He couldn’t go public with dating Rueben right away, but a plea bargain would take weeks or months to hammer out, not years. “Cynthia is a dear family friend,” Seth replied. “Not to be too impatient, Tony, but why do you have to wait so long to meet with Mick? It’s barely noon, and a lot can happen in six hours.” Mick could change his mind dozens of times. Striking while the iron was hot couldn’t be more apropos in their current situation.
“I hear ya,” Tony said. “Trust me. I’m just as eager as you are to wrap this up.” Not likely. “Mick’s attorney is attending a wedding and can’t get back here before six. We’ve come this far, so we just need to have faith that things are moving in our favor now.”
Seth wished he could get behind that logic, but his family had experienced the fallacy of hopeful thinking when Natalie disappeared. They’d put their faith in the wrong people time and time again, and they’d always ask if her outcome would’ve been different if the sheriff’s department had taken their missing person complaint more seriously from the jump. “I’ll do my best to follow your lead. Do you need or want me on-site?” Seth was conflicted about being there since he should keep his hands as far away from future dealings as possible, but it would’ve looked odd if he hadn’t offered.
“It’s unnecessary for you to be here, Seth. It’s just going to be Mick, his attorney, and myself. I’ll keep you posted as soon as I cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s.”
“I appreciate it, Tony. I’m sending good vibes your way.” He’d likely be balls deep inside Rueben, but he’d spare some positive energy for the deal that could secure their future faster. The real dilemma was whether he should share this news with his love. “Keep me posted, and let me know if there’s anything my department can do to assist.”
“Will do.”
Seth disconnected the call and returned the phone to his pocket. He leaned down and hoisted his end of the sofa back up.
Kerry watched him with an inscrutable expression as he heaved the sofa up too. “Well?”
“You know I can’t discuss this with you.” He could be a professional sometimes, though Kerry’s smirk called bullshit. “I’ll share the news with you as soon as it becomes official.” Even though Mick could retract the bargain at any time leading up to a judge signing off on it. Seth imagined Tony would take full advantage of the hearing date on Monday to push the plea deal with McCready. Seth had to remind himself that a plea bargain with Mick was just the first step. They’d need to hope Quinton felt the pressure and folded. Seth didn’t let himself wander too far down that path, or he’d only feel dejected again. He’d celebrate each victory as they occurred and hoped this evening would be the first of many.
They helped Cynthia unload all the boxes from the vehicles and set up her bed before heading out. Seth hugged his sister and bumped Kerry’s fist before getting into his truck. His phone call with Rueben was brief because he’d wrapped up his errands and was on his way. The overcast sky had turned downright ominous by the time Seth pulled up to the cabin, and he refused to take that as a sign. Rueben arrived right after him, and his smile was like Seth’s personal sunshine. Even knowing they were nearly caught a few days prior, Seth kissed Rueben’s smiling lips in the driveway. He’d needed the reassurance that they were okay more than he wanted privacy. Seth settled his forehead against Rueben’s and sighed.
“I love you,” they said at the same time.
Rueben pulled back and smiled. “This will be one to tell the grandkids someday.”
Seth’s heart leaped at the idea of children and grandchildren, but not from fear. Rueben had assured him many times that he was “the keeper,” and somewhere along the way, Seth realized it was true. Rueben’s ego didn’t need further inflation, so he kept that little tidbit to himself.
“We’ll have at least two daughters.” Rueben stepped back, opened the passenger side of his pickup, and removed canvas totes and an overnight bag from the front seat. “We’ll name them after the ladies we loved and lost. Lili Rose and Natalie.”
Seth could actually envision the portrait Rueben painted with his words. There’d be weekends in this very cabin with little girls they loved and spoiled so much. The image was so vivid that it snatched the air from Seth’s lungs, and he staggered back a step.
“Too much too soon?” Rueben’s alarmed voice matched his panicked expression.
Emotions still choked his airway, so Seth could only shake his head.
Rueben’s handsome face relaxed, and arrogance replaced concern. “Good thing because you’re not getting any younger.” He turned and headed to the cabin without a backward glance.
The verbal jab landed in Seth’s gut, and the trapped air whooshed from his lungs. “You little shit,” he growled as he pursued his prey.
Rueben picked up speed and dashed onto the porch. Seth snagged Rueben around the waist and pulled him flush against his chest while he went to work, unlocking the front door with a shaky hand. Rueben’s warmth seeped into Seth’s body, and his sun-drenched linen scent tickled Seth’s nose. God, this intimacy was what he’d been missing the past few days. He turned the handle and opened the door, but neither of them moved. Rueben was just as starved for their connection as Seth was, and maybe it was something else. It would be the first time they entered their private space with the depth of their emotions exposed, making themselves fully vulnerable to one another. Saying it once suddenly wasn’t enough.
Seth pressed his mouth to Rueben’s ear. “I told you I love you, and now I’m going to show you.”
An obvious shiver rolled through Rueben, and the naughty images from his slumber returned to front and center of his brain. He’d ensure the bath from the dream would become a sexy reality, but first, Rueben wanted to show the love language he’d learned at his abuela’s side. The tantalizing kisses Seth placed along his neck threatened to ambush his good intentions until the distant sound of an approaching vehicle penetrated Rueben’s sluggish brain.
“Let’s take this inside.” Arousal thickened his voice, so Seth’s confusion when Rueben continued toward the kitchen was understandable.
“Bedroom is this way.” Seth’s pout was adorable, but the semi erection pushing against his jeans made Rueben hunger for something more. It would be so easy to give in. “Tell me you’ve eaten lunch, and I’ll follow you into the bedroom.”