Page 21 of The Keeper

“Five,” Rueben corrected.

“Damn, Steven.”

Rueben snorted. “I knew his name wasn’t Sven.”

Seth was grateful for the reprieve and launched into a retelling of how Steven became Sven. It was a short story because Seth wasn’t even sure which of the second cousins was responsible for it.

“The origin is way less pretentious than I’d imagined,” Rueben replied. “Now, back to Oliver.”

Seth let a small groan slip. “My time with Oliver feels like five decades ago, not five years. I’m sure you have relationships in your past that you regret too.”

“Of course.”

“I’ll talk about Oliver if you tell me about one of them,” Seth suggested. “Or…”

“I can tell you how I wanted to drop to my knees in the middle of the restaurant and suck you off. You’re mine, and I want everyone to know it.”

Seth closed his eyes and let his mind wander. He pictured running his hands through Rueben’s hair as he sucked his dick. A swift, hot longing punched him in the gut. Seth opened his mouth to join the fantasy with Rueben, but the words that tumbled free weren’t the ones he’d intended to say. “Meet me tomorrow.”

Rueben sucked in a sharp breath. “Where?”

Seth’s heart was in his throat. He needed to take the suggestion back and apologize for getting Rueben’s hopes up. “Our special place. Eleven p.m.”

Rueben’s breath came faster. “I’ll be there.”

He’d just put everything he’d ever worked for on the line, but breaking rules had never felt so right.

“And we’re just going to stay in the corpse pose a little longer,” Hope said, her voice soft and melodic. “Feel your body where it connects with the mat. Let’s close our eyes and do a wellness scan. Keep your inhales and exhales nice and natural. If you find discomfort, try to direct your breath there to ease the tension. This was a tough session, and you all did amazing. Let’s do three deep cleansing breaths and start the scan.”

Rueben’s legs still shook even after the extended cooldown session. He’d pushed himself extra hard, leaning into every pose like his life depended on it. Considering the rigorous sex he planned to have with Seth later, it just might. There was no telling how long it would be before they could sneak off again, so he wanted to leave lasting impressions they could both enjoy. Anticipation hummed through Rueben’s skin, canceling out the calming side effects he achieved through yoga. His hands shook as he rolled his mat and tucked it away in his tote. Rueben still had twelve hours until their rendezvous, and he’d be a hot mess if he didn’t get himself under control.

“You okay, Rue?” Keegan asked.

He offered his best assuring smile. “Just low blood sugar, I think.”

“You didn’t eat much at breakfast and were quieter than usual.”

“Are you calling me a big mouth?” Rueben teased.

Keegan rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Go ahead and deflect, but I know something is off.” He slung his tote over his shoulder. “Are you upset about seeing Burke at dinner with his ex last night?”

A correction rose swiftly to his tongue, but Rueben blocked it before it could roll off. Seth didn’t meet Oliver for dinner. He’d come for the chance to see Rueben, and Oliver invited himself to sit down. Rueben had leaped to a similar conclusion as Keegan’s until he’d studied Seth’s body language and Sven filled them in on the couple’s history. Seth had stated unequivocally during their conversation that Rueben had nothing to worry about on that front, but he couldn’t stop viewing Oliver’s visits to Last Chance Creek as a double threat. Maybe Seth didn’t have lingering feelings for his ex, but could the same thing be said for Oliver? Rueben saw the way Oliver watched Seth when he went to the bar to talk to Kerry. From his vantage point, he’d only seen the man’s profile, but the smile and softening around the eyes told Rueben everything he needed to know.

“It definitely put a damper on trivia night,” Rueben admitted. But the hours that followed afterward were incredible, and he was hours away from touching and tasting Seth again. There his hands went to shaking again.

Keegan slung an arm around his shoulders, and Rueben silently implored him not to offer trivial platitudes. He wouldn’t meet someone better. Things didn’t have a way of working themselves out. Rueben didn’t believe this was the universe’s way of saying he wasn’t meant to be with Seth. He didn’t want to hear about shitty timing, and luckily, his friend didn’t say any of those things. “Let’s hit the diner and drown our frustrations in carbohydrates.”

Rueben chuckled. “I need to take a detour over to the wellness shop to restock my supplies for my second favorite way to relieve tension.” He leaned closer. “Zero calories, carbs, or guilt.”

Keegan blushed and dropped his arm. “I’ll chat with Hope while you shop.”

Even after nine months of therapy, Kee still repressed a majority of his natural instincts and urges. Rueben looked forward to the day Keegan fully embraced everything beautiful about himself and would happily push him in Kerry Hart’s direction if it sped the process along. Keegan wasn’t ready to date, and Kerry sounded allergic to the idea, but the attraction between them was off the charts. Thinking of ways to help his friend got Rueben’s mind off his own problems and steadied his hands as he looked at the lubricants and massage oils for sale. The shopping led to flashbacks of the previous weekend he’d spent with Seth and the many ways they’d shared their bodies. A wave of heat and longing hit Rueben hard enough to make him stagger back a step.

Pull yourself together, Sanchez.

He grabbed two types of lubricants and a scented massage lotion. Oils were too slick and messy for his taste. Rueben glanced over at Keegan as the young lady at the register rang up his purchases. His friend had stepped away from Hope to stare out the large window at the front of her studio. Something was really off with Keegan’s body language, and Hope darted a concerned glance in Rueben’s direction.

“That’ll be twenty-nine ninety-seven,” the clerk said. “Cash or charge?”