“He wants to look like he’s escaped a boy band,” Keegan said, ruffling the top of Rueben’s hair. “We’re thinking caramel highlights around his face to brighten things up a bit.”
Rueben smirked and shook his head. “And he wants to look less like a sheepdog so he can have a hot-boy summer.”
“Well, well. This must be my lucky day.” The sultry masculine voice came from behind them, and Rueben whirled to see who it belonged to. A gorgeous blond struck an artful pose with his hands on slender hips. He wore leather pants and a mesh crop top—both in black. The former showed off his long legs, and the latter drew the eyes to his tawny skin, ripped abs, and pierced nipples. A coy smile curved his lips as he sauntered toward Rueben and Keegan. The bright overhead lights glinted off shiny sequins sewn into his top, making it twinkle like starlight.
Keegan leaned close enough that his breath tickled Rueben’s ear. “He looks so familiar. Is that the gazelle from the bar?”
It took everything in his power not to laugh. The sex kitten prowling toward them was definitely the same guy from Keegan’s first trip to the Thirsty Cowboy. He’d been so wide-eyed and innocent as Rueben had described in graphic detail the kinds of things that went down. His little lamb chop had thought thirsty meant the patrons were actually parched for a drink. Rueben had defined the various roles people played at the bar, namely the lion and the gazelle. Mr. Sex on a Stick prowling toward them had drawn every eye in the bar, and Rueben had offered comedic byplay as this stunner engaged in cat-and-mouse games with a lion across the bar from him.
“Uh-huh.” This guy wasn’t Rueben’s type, but he couldn’t deny the man was gorgeous.
“I’m Sven, and this is your lucky day. My color correction appointment just canceled, so I have time to do both of you.”
Rueben blinked. He doubted very much that Sven was his real name, and Rueben wasn’t sure he was offering salon services.
“B-both?” Keegan stammered. “Now? At the same time?”
Sven stopped in front of Keegan and raised his brows. “I’m not sure we’re on the same page, darling.” The smirk said he knew exactly what he was doing with his double entendre. Sven lifted a toned arm to card his fingers through Keegan’s overgrown bangs. “You have such gorgeous bone structure. Cheekbones, jawline, and lips to die for. I can give you a cut that highlights them instead of hides them. Hot-boy summer, indeed.”
A pretty flush bloomed on Keegan’s cheeks. “Okay.”
Sven winked and turned his full attention to Rueben. He bit his pouty bottom lip as he studied Rueben’s hair and nodded. “Caramel highlights will look great, and they won’t take long. Follow me, pets.”
Keegan’s gaze snapped to Rueben as soon as Sven turned his back and mouthed, “Pets?”
Rueben just shrugged and gestured for Keegan to go first. Seth Burke might have a tight grip on his heart, but that didn’t stop Rueben from appreciating the seductive sway in Sven’s hips. He considered himself high-ranking on the sass-o-meter, but the hairstylist beat him out by a smidge…or three.
Sven stopped at a pristine station with hair implements and styling products neatly arranged. He patted the leather chair, then crooked his finger at Rueben. “You first, doll.” He winked at Keegan and added, “And you can watch.” Then, he scanned the salon as Rueben made himself comfortable. “Would you like to hang out in one of the massage pedicure chairs while you wait?” Sven asked Keegan. “You can sip a cold beverage, soak your feet, and relax. No pedicure required if it doesn’t interest you.”
“You should totally get a pedicure,” said a teen girl with rainbow-streaked hair as she passed them. “It’s life-affirming.”
Keegan nibbled on his bottom lip and looked to Rueben for guidance. It was probably one of those moments that triggered reminders of the hideous things the cult had said to him during his conversion therapy. They might not have mentioned pedicures specifically, but they would’ve had lots of opinions on personal grooming habits and what men would and should avoid.
“It’s been ages since I’ve had a pedicure,” Rueben said. “I say we dedicate this day to total self-care.”
Keegan’s answering smile was a beautiful thing.
Sven gasped and held a hand up to his forehead as if to shield his eyes from its brilliance.
Keegan rolled his eyes and followed the vivacious man to a vacant pedicure chair. Sven got him set up before disappearing into a back room. Keegan cast a searching look in his direction once more, and Rueben winked. Sven returned with a colorful drink and a petite nail tech, who smiled sweetly at Keegan before sitting on the stool at his feet. Sven crossed to Rueben, spun him around to face the mirror, and assessed his hair.
“What are you thinking about for a cut? That way, I know how many highlights and where they’ll go.”
“I want to stick with a fade, but maybe tighter and higher on the sides.”
Sven hummed. “I like it. You have beautiful bones. Let’s show them off.”
“Thank you.” Rueben hoped Sven wasn’t a serial killer who literally wanted to peel back his flesh.
“Let’s talk about the highlights. Do you want to look a little sun-kissed, or do you want something more dramatic? I could do a little of both. A little sun-kissed toward the crown but a heavier hand in the money piece section.”
“The money piece?” Rueben asked.
“The section framing your face. It’s what first draws the eye. We typically use the technique more with women, but men deserve to look and feel fabulous too.”
“Damn right.” Rueben thought of the way Seth looked at him the previous night. He gave new meaning to burning desire, and it was a miracle Seth hadn’t reduced Rueben to ashes on the floor. While he heard and respected all the reasons they shouldn’t be together, Rueben wasn’t about to make it easy for Seth to resist the need clawing at his guts. “I want the money shot.”
Sven snorted. “Money piece, darling. We don’t run that sort of establishment here.” He winked to soften his admonishment, but Rueben’s cheeks warmed anyway. “Are you married to this part?” Sven finger-combed Rueben’s hair and settled the strands on the other side of his face, revealing a natural lift at the roots. He picked up a comb and placed it above Rueben’s temple. “Do you want the fade to start here or slightly lower?” Sven dropped the comb a half inch. It was still higher than Rueben’s current fade but not as extreme. “Like maybe here?”