Page 19 of Country

Okay, now I’m full-on belly ache sobbing.


I wipe away tears. “Because I’m so happy, Belle. I’ve never wanted anything more than you and your dad.”

I uncap the marker and sign on the dotted line, dropping stains of wetness all over the construction paper, bleeding the ink in a tie dye pattern.

Belle wraps her little arms around my neck and jumps up from my lap, running back and forth through the grass with excitement. “See, Dad. I told you she’d sign it.”

I glance toward Country. “You didn’t think I would?”

“I knew we’d make it official at some point, but I didn’t want to scare you off.”

I laugh. “You think maybe the wedding would’ve done that first?”

He stands from the folding chair and pulls me up out of mine, while Belle runs around like a crazy person in the distance. I think she might be chasing a butterfly now. Country clears his throat. “Thank you for lovin’ us. I know I’m not perfect.”

“Stop it. You’re absolutely perfect. You and Belle are as perfect as they come.” Water splashes as a bird lands in the pond and flaps its wings. “I love you, Country. I love you so damn much. And Belle… Belle is my heart. I’m so thankful and honored that she asked me the way she did.”

He sighs and pulls me so tight against his chest that I hear his heart beating. “Love you more, darlin’. What do ya say we get inside and start paintin’ that entry way? The furniture comes tomorrow. I want to have things done by then.”

Back in the day, a Saturday spent painting would’ve sounded awful, but working on a project like this with my family is everything. I love creating a perfect little nest with the people I love most in the whole world.

I nod and lift up onto my toes to kiss his lips softly. “Yes! Let’s paint!”

He kisses the tip of my nose, and we head toward the house. The bounty we collected from Mike’s arrest gave us enough extra cash to stock away, but Country insisted on making the cabin everything I ever wanted. He’s spent the last few weeks updating everything from a new fireplace mantle, to the kitchen remodel, to the bedroom he added onto the back of the house. The guys from the MC helped, but it went up in record time. He wants everything done before the baby arrives in seven months. It sounds like a long time, but I know it will fly by.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. It’s my friend Lydia. She’s having a baby of her own, but she hasn’t told anyone yet. I think she’s nervous about how folks will react.

Lydia: You don’t want to come back to the hardware store and sit with me all day, do you?

Me: Yes, I do, but I’m not sure my family wants to come and we’re about to paint. Why don’t you stop by after you’re done.

Lydia: I don’t get off until seven tonight. I’ll be beat by then. Thanks, though. How are you feeling? Any morning sickness yet?

Me: Nothing yet. You?

Lydia: Yeah, it’s been pretty bad. I read online that ginger works well for that so I’m going to… sorry that inked up dude just walked in. The big one. The one I want to rescue myself from. Did I tell you about him?

Me: LOL. You did. Have fun telling him all the facts you learned on the History Channel again.

Lydia: That was one time! GTG! Text you later.

“Everythin’ okay?” Country tucks his hand into mine.

“Yeah, that was Lydia. She’s stressing about the baby. We should invite her over tomorrow night for dinner. You mind? I think she could use the company.”

“Not at all. Belle and I will cook.”

I snuggle into his arm and rub my opposite hand over my stomach as we walk up toward the cabin. “We still need a name for this little guy.”

Belle jumps up and down. “Wait? Am I getting a brother?”

I glance toward Country. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry. I—”

“Don’t be.” He grins and lifts Belle into his arms. “That’s what we’re thinkin’. Got any names?”

“Yes!” She hugs her dad and kisses his cheek. “Why don’t we go with Fish.”