Page 87 of The Bodyguard


I hadn’t meant to just spit that out, and I didn’t have a decent argument to go alongside it. Marshall was a powerful and skilled member of the team. I’d work in the field with him any day.

But did I want his six foot three, buffed-up body near Savannah? No, I did fucking not.

The two men went silent.

“Got something to tell us there, Ry?” Josh drawled.

Yeah, I fucked the client.


I’d have to tell them eventually, but not today.

“I’m the right man for the job. Until that changes, we stay with the plan.” I spooned the last of my breakfast into my mouth, then dropped my fork on the plate. “I’ll be back in California late tonight.”

“Wait, where are you?” Josh inquired.

“Manhattan. Savannah was on the Tonight Show last night.” I walked over to my overnight bag and tossed my things inside, then checked my watch. “I have to go.”

“Let’s meet on Monday when I get back. Meanwhile, induct Marshall so you have backup if things turn ugly,” Josh said.

“Good call,” Aidan added. “We all remember what happened with Cassy.”

That wasn’t happening.

While no one blames Josh, Cassy being kidnapped by the same stalker who escaped his prison cell was on all of us. We’d all been in the hotel, along with the Barrett Security team, when the sociopath took her.

But fuck, they were right. I would need a break at some point. And while I was feeling all kinds of territorial to keep Savannah safe and find the perpetrator, I had to work as a team.

When I returned to Savannah’s room, Gina was walking along the hallway. She saw me and gave me a small wave.

“Good night?” I asked, taking in her sexy outfit which I’d put money on being the same one she wore the night before.

“Yes,” she replied and kept walking.

“Gina,” I called out, and she stopped. “How long have you known Savannah?”

“Oh”—she fidgeted with her dress—“I started working for her six months ago.”

“But you knew each other before that?”

She nodded.

“You went to high school together,” I added, and she nodded once again.

“Were you roommates after that?”

“No.” Gina shook her head. “Just, you know. We stayed in touch and then she asked me to work for her.”

I nodded, indicating I was done with the conversation. She gave me a smile and then walked off.


Gina had a very different take on their relationship. Or so she said. Which could be convenient if she had an ulterior motive. Or it was simply her truth.

Had she been in Nick’s room again? He was in the direction she’d been coming from, but without evidence it meant nothing.