Page 56 of The Bodyguard

I’ve been with her for three days. Aidan’s silence tells me he’s thinking the same thing.

“Fine. We’ll catch up on Monday when Josh is back and reassess.”

“Roger that,” I replied.

The entire drive to Savannah’s house, my jaw had been clenched imagining never seeing her again if I stepped away from the job.

It got me so wound up I had to snap myself out of it.

So yeah, when I walked into the house I wanted her to ask me to kiss her and I was going to deliver.

But she didn’t.

And I’m becoming more pissed with every tick of the clock. Pissed with myself for wanting to feel her lips on mine. Pissed that I want to see her mouth gasping my name as I fill her with my needy cock.

Pissed that I have got invested in a woman who is in danger...again.

Albeit differently than the first time.

Do I have PTSD from that moment in Iraq? Fuck yes, I do. Seeing a woman and her child that I was responsible for protecting explode into a million pieces of flesh and blood.

Because I failed.

I will never get over that.

Hence messaging Savannah's guards twice last night to check there were no concerns. Despite them updating the app and that I could log in and watch the cameras from my mobile phone.

In total, I had three hours sleep.

By six I was chugging down coffee. I don’t drink a lot of it, but this morning I had three cups. So I was tired and wired, expecting her sass and a demand to kiss her.


I want to tell her I took my cock in hand a dozen times last night and stroked, remembering how sweet and tight her pussy was. That I wish I could kiss her, but it would take us down a path I don’t know I can risk.

That if I made her mine emotionally, I would never let her go.

But I won’t.

Because I don’t want to see the look in her eyes when she can’t tell me that I’m not the kind of man she wants.

So I don’t.

Instead, I watch her cute, tight ass walk up the stairs to the aircraft—as her bodyguard. Not as the man who can lay his hand on her flesh and guide her to her seat.

On his lap.


If she were mine, I’d tell anyone who even thinks of getting past me to hurt her. They are fucking dreaming. That I would kill them because they got within a few feet.

I will anyway.

Whoever is tormenting her, I will find out and stop them. That I can do for her.

Then I need to walk away and let Marshall take over. I’m not going to fail another woman, especially not Savannah.

But I can’t stay on this job long term and torment myself.