“But yes, Ryder, I will help you. Leave it with me and I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Think we can get some DNA?” I ask.
She glances up again. “You know the answer to that. If there’s something here, I’ll find it. If not, you’ll need to get the research team to do some digging to find out where the card and envelope could’ve come from. Looks stock standard to me, unfortunately.”
I did know all of that.
“Thanks, gorgeous.” I turn to leave.
“Stop trying to be charming.” She scoffs.
“Never,” I say over my back, and open the door. Then I step back out into the hallway and nearly collide with Aidan.
“Hey.” I stop.
“What’s up?” He uses a towel to wipe his forehead. He’s in a pair of shorts and t-shirt. His tattoo down the side of his thigh on full display.
“Good work out?” I ask, then we both start walking toward his office.
“The usual,” he says, tossing the towel onto his gym bag. Then he rips off his t-shirt and I get an eyeball full of his six-pack and all the rest of his tattoos.
“Sorry, I’m taken.” I smirk, leaning on the doorjamb.
“No, you’re not. Who would put up with your annoying ass?” Aidan shoots me a grin.
“Not Ms. Sinclair, I can tell you that.” I shake my head.
“She a diva?” he asks, pulling on a fresh singlet top.
I want to say yes, but the truth is, I don’t think she is. I hurt her ego by ignoring her at the wedding and then showing up this morning. So, her comments throughout the day were just a dig to gain some of her pride back.
I let her have it and never expected an apology.
Hearing her on the phone with her father completely stripped away any remaining judgment.
“Nah. She’s beautiful and a good person. Fuck it.” I let out a laugh. “I can’t stay on this job, Aidan.”
He sips from his water bottle and watches me. “Why not?”
“Because I’m a red-blooded man, is why not. Plus, there’s shit I can’t—”
“You’re a highly trained operator, Ryder. Jesus, probably more so than Josh and me. Don’t give me that bullshit,” he says and takes another sip.
I push away from the doorjamb.
I wasn’t happy with the client choice to start with, but now I know I need to step away. The situation has changed.
She is in danger.
Of course, I’m highly fucking trained.
But I’m also the wrong person and I’m not explaining why. I can’t. As a US Marine, Aidan will read between the lines.
“When I started, I told Josh no women.” I cross my arms and look him dead in the eye. “Savannah received a threat in the mail tonight. I gave it to Tara for forensic testing.”
“Shit.” He curses and runs a hand over his face.