Not again.
Out of habit, even though I know psycho Gina doesn’t have an army with her, I glance around and check the area.
Then I start running toward the house.
Savannah, I’m coming, sweetheart.
I can’t lose her. I can’t fucking lose her.
The cops have been called, along with an ambulance. I can already hear sirens in the distance. But time is not on our side if she has been shot.
We still can’t get the gates open.
I run like a madman, looking at every window on the front of the house—they’re closed—and start heading around the back.
Please have the French doors open, sweetheart.
She often does when she’s at home, but I know she had her team here for a meeting and there’s a chance they won’t be.
I could smash the window.
But if that gunshot wasn’t lethal, the next one might be if Gina thinks she’s under attack.
I open the side gate as quietly as I can, then make my way along the back of the house. Crouching, I stare into the living area.
Nothing. Fuck it.
I spin, pointing my gun.
“Put it down,” Aidan says.
“What are you doing?” I grunt in a whisper.
“Backing you up, asshole,” he replies, nodding his head for me to keep going.
I turn back and shuffle past the glass doors.
“And no one is getting fired, so you better be at work tomorrow,” he adds.
I almost smile. Almost...but Savannah could be lying in a pool of her own blood.
I try the handle and it’s unlocked. I hold my hand up, and Aidan stops. Slowly, I open it and we both step in.
After a moment, I turn to him. He waves that he’s going upstairs. I nod and point down the hall. He nods back and we head off in separate directions.
Savannah’s house is a mansion, so it’s large. Ten bedrooms and three stories. It’s a vast area to canvas with just the two of us, but I know if Aidan is here, more of the men will be backing us up soon.
Especially after a shot was let off.
Quietly, I creep down the hall, my gun pointing at the floorboards.
Then I hear the voices.
An icy chill rushes through me as I head in that direction.
Please be fucking alive.