Page 22 of The Bodyguard

Like any daughter, she wants his approval and to hear how proud he is. But a guy like him? He’ll never give her what she wants. Ever.

I know people.

I’ve studied them.

One way to ensure you survive in a war zone full of terrorists and psychopaths is understanding how they think. That includes narcissists and every other psychological disorder. The Middle East is full of them.

So is America and the whole damn world.

To one degree or another.

Don’t start me on the internet.

Seeing Savannah cry? Nope. That did not work for me at all. If she hadn’t hung up on her father, I was seconds away from doing it for her.

See what I mean?

Totally irrational thinking and behaving.

That’s not my job and yet I’m still considering doing a deep search for the asshole's home address. It’s been a while since I’ve worn my balaclava and snuck into someone’s home to scare them.

Anyway, you didn’t hear that from me.

Point is, Savannah is getting under my skin, and I don’t like it.

“Well, those hyenas paid for this house and pay my bills, so I love them,” she says and opens one of the hundreds of envelopes from her fans.

“Pretty nice house,” I say, nodding.

I’ve just completed a security check around the entire interior, so yeah, it’s a stunning property.

Her last team did a decent job installing a good security system. I’ll likely get some upgrades done to it, though.

Once she trusts me.

“How long have you been here?” I ask, focusing back on her face.

The fuck?

Something’s wrong.

Either her dog died or her boyfriend broke up with her. She doesn’t have either.

“Savannah?” I press firmly.

“Huh?” Her head whips up to mine as I take a few steps closer and stop on the other side of the marble kitchen counter.

“What’s wrong?”

She looks back down at the note and folds it over.

“Nothing.” She shakes her head. “I need to have a shower. Are you done for the night?”

“What was on the note?”

She stares at me. I hold her green gaze and can almost feel the fear rolling off her.

“Show me the note,” I order her.