“I got myself hooked on drugs before my brother died. I went to this underground dive to buy shit from a dealer. Your father came in after me and stopped me. Literally stopped me as I was about to inhale whatever the fuck concoction the dealer was giving me. Then he beat the crap out of him.”
I sit straighter. “No one ever told me that.”
“No. We kept it between us. He’d found out that the dealer was trying to kill me. The stuff was comprised shit that would have killed me within seconds. My father set that up.”
I stare back at him, shocked to my core. I knew his father was a bastard, but fuck.
“Your father?”
“Yeah. Imagine his surprise and deep disappointment when my brother died before me and I took over.”
“Why is he like that with you?”
“Because I exist.” Jaxon’s face hardens. “My mother died after giving birth to me. But she knew that was going to happen. She chose to have me and be my mom for one minute. My father has hated me ever since.”
I don’t believe what the hell I’m hearing. “He blames you for that?”
“Always. Anyway, I always owed your father for my life. He helped get me clean and here I am, at your service.”
I extend my hand to shake his. “Thanks, man.”
“No worries. I’ll let you know when I have everything set up.”
I’m about to say something more when the creak of the floorboards interrupts me.
Jaxon and I look around just as Chloe enters the room.
She freezes mid-stride when she sees Jaxon, and her eyes widen. She’s only wearing my shirt again, so it’s obvious she’s not visiting. It would be obvious anyway because she’s here.
“I’m so sorry… I’ll come back later.” She excuses herself and whirls around to go back the way she came.
Jaxon snaps his gaze back to me and frowns. “Not pussy-whipped? Is that the same girl from the house? The stepdaughter?”
“Yes. And no… I’m not pussy-whipped. She’s with me.”
At first he continues staring, then the light of understanding flashes in his eyes and he nods. “Alright. You’re going to have to tell me that story sometime.”
I sigh. “Don’t worry, I will.”
“See you later.” He stands, glances over at the door where Chloe stood, then heads out.
I didn’t lie when I said I’m not pussy-whipped. Pussy-whipped is to lose your head and be under the control of a woman.
I haven’t lost my head. I knew what I was doing all along. And I know what I’m doing now. One of the things I’ve never done is lie to myself. I won’t start now by backpedaling on my feelings for Chloe.
I hear the front door open and close. Moments later Chloe pads back in, looking like a little mouse.
Her eyes are still red from crying so much last night and her face is still puffy.
“Hi. I’m sorry I disturbed you and your friend. I didn’t know what time it was.”
I stare at her as I think of this plan of mine. The good parts and the bad parts.
I’m going to ask her to be my wife.
I’ve had worse plans. This is the only one that feels right.
But all I can give her is six months.