“Nephew, don’t fine me. I’m serious. I’m the person you talk to, to brainstorm ideas. You can’t get this wrong. If you do, people die.”
This time I nod, because he’s right. “Noted, and I apologize.”
“Apology accepted,” he mumbles in a gruff voice. “How is Chloe?”
There are so many answers to that question, but he means how she’s holding up in the situation.
“Not good.”
“Where is she?”
“Upstairs talking to her cousin on the phone. I’m keeping an eye on her here. The only person I trust to keep her safe is me, but I know I need to be out there.”
“You do need to be out there. Stay with Chloe as much as you can, but remember you have trained men who are loyal to you. They will protect your wife with their lives.”
“I know. I just feel like Lance is always watching us.”
“That’s all the more reason to be on the battlefield, lad. We stand a better chance of getting him if we have you.”
“I’ll be out there tomorrow.” I don’t want to leave Chloe, but I have to resolve this mess. “I’m taking Chloe to the studio in the morning. When we get back here, I’ll head out.”
“I’ll stay with her tomorrow. I’ll be here when you get back.”
“That means a lot. What’s going on with the Gallaghers?”
Seamus scrunches his face up in displeasure. “Those bastards. They’re what you call backstabbers. I spoke to them and made them aware that you aren’t happy with their threats and it would be noted in the clan records. I also felt their actions were disrespectful because they wouldn’t do this to your father.”
“Thank you for pointing that out. I don’t want them as investors. I took a quick look at the board and the other investors. I think we’d be fine without them and whoever else they influenced to leave. We have the brewery in Ireland, and I have the shipping company. I’m a multi-billionaire just off my own back.”
“Then they can fuck off.”
I’m so surprised he agrees with me I nearly drop my cigar. “You’re not going to argue? The Gallaghers have invested with us for seventy years. That’s nearly for as long as the bank has been in our family.”
“You don’t need anyone who thinks it’s okay to make threats on you. Big or small. So, of course, I’m not going to argue. In fact, I was going to suggest the same.”
“Thank you for backing me, Uncle.”
“Always. I’ll speak to them in the morning and start the removal process.” He comes closer and rests his hand on my shoulder. “I must confess that I’m also backing you because I have hopes that you’ll stay with Chloe.”
“No, don’t.” He holds up his free hand to stop me. “Don’t say anything. I know how you feel. You’ve told me repeatedly, but that doesn’t stop me from hoping. Or advising you. I see the way you look at her. I see the way you protect her. I see the way you love her. Don’t tell me you don’t.”
“I do love her.”
“Then it’s a start. Hope always starts with something small, and if you can admit that to me, then I can keep my fingers crossed.” He gives me a warm smile.
Just then, the front door opens, and Dante, Virgo, and Jaxon walk in.
Seamus releases me, but he seals the hope of our conversation with a curt nod. And just like last time, his words stay with me.
“Hey, guys,” I say, putting out my cigar.
“Me in a safe house, Cillian? Really?” Virgo quirks a hard brow.
“Not you, too.”
“Of course, I’m going to say something. We have psychos running around making very real threats. Now’s the time you need me.”