Page 99 of Fearless Sinner

Shit. How the fuck did this happen? The motherfucking Gallaghers.

I am their leader. How fucking dare they challenge me like this?

I know what they’re up to. They did this to me because they want to take over the lead of the clan.

Our businesses are outside the scope of control in my leadership. So the Gallaghers are free to pull their investments if they want to. It’s just seen as unconscionable.

But what’s fucking unconscionable is them thinking they can force me to marry Jessica.

I have all kinds of shit going on but I have to deal with this before it causes further problems.

Quickly, I fire off a message to Seamus letting him know what’s going on and that we need to meet about it first thing tomorrow morning.

I’m about to slide my phone back in my pocket when it starts ringing. It’s Jaxon.

“Hey.” I answer the call.

“Cillian. We found Harlan.” His voice sounds hollow and distant.


“He’s dead. Murdered. We found him on the floor of the hotel room. It happened about an hour ago. Lance did it, Cillian.”

“Jesus. What the fuck?” Damn it to hell. This is the last thing I needed. Lance killed Harlan? But why? “How do you know it was Lance?”

“He left his smiley-face note on Harlan’s body, addressed to you. Cillian, the note also said: One down, more to go, then I’m coming for the Irish king.”

A chill of terror unlike anything I’ve ever experienced spreads across my body.

One down, more to go, then I’m coming for the Irish king.

Fuck. The Irish king is obviously me but I’m not worried about that part. The first part of the message has me heading through the door and abandoning all plans for the day that don't involve protecting my family.

That motherfucker is telling me he’s coming to kill everyone I hold dear. Like the way he killed my parents.

“Jaxon, call Virgo and tell him to get Olivia and Seamus to the safe house. Get the Creed enforcers to go to Chloe’s restaurant and the hospital to protect her mother. I have to check on my wife.”

“Okay. Leave that with me. I’ll keep you updated.”

I hang up, then I’m running, panic moving me forward.

I try to call Chloe but her phone goes straight to voicemail. She’s supposed to be home until midday.

When I reach my car I call Liam, my head guard. I have him stationed at the house with my best men.

He answers on the first ring. “Hey, boss.”

“Liam, where is my wife?”

“She went into the city to the dance studio. Gavin and Ben are on lookout down there.”

“Tell them we have a red alert and get the rest of the guys to head down there.”

“On it.”

I hang up and speed down the road. I’m not far from the studio. I could be there in ten minutes if the traffic isn’t terrible, but I need my men ready in case there’s trouble. If Harlan was killed an hour ago then Lance is definitely still on the move.

I drive like a madman, running red lights and nearly running the car off the road several times. I’m sure I must have broken several laws in the space of a minute.