“Congratulations,” I tell Dante. We just finished the last Creed meeting for the month, and he’s announced that he and Serenity are expecting their first child next year.
“Thank you. It’s the best news ever.”
Dante, Virgo, and I are downstairs on the terrace of the meeting house, smoking.
“I’m glad I’ll have company.” Virgo chuckles. “Olivia has another seven weeks to go.”
“You can give me all the tips. I need all the help I can get,” Dante answers, then looks at me. “Then we can help this one when it’s his time.”
They both look at me. In the past, I would have talked down a joke like that and told them something like I’m not having kids. But since being with Chloe, I’m proud to say that I’ve become the opposite of the guy I used to be.
“I can’t wait.” I nod. “I’ll need all the help I can get when my time comes, which hopefully will be soon.”
They exchange glances and a smile.
“Glad to hear that, bro.”
“And with that said, we have to leave now if we want to make it to the meeting on time.” Virgo cocks his head.
It’s nearly eleven, but they meet with all sorts of high-profile clients at their club at any time of the day. Tonight sounds like a meeting for one of their high-stakes poker games.
“See you guys tomorrow.” I dip my head.
They leave, and I decide to make my way back inside the hall to find Seamus.
Before I reach the door, I spot Jaxon coming out.
When I took Lance down, I was able to track down the other half of Jaxon’s shipment. It was a hard task, but it would have been worse if Lance were alive. The only reason I found them was because he was in the process of bargaining for a higher deal.
I was just glad I was able to retrieve the entire shipment. While Jaxon may have been understanding, I know his father would have been cursing my ass to hell and back.
“Hey,” he says when he reaches me. “You and your wife good?”
“The best.” I smile wider at the thought of going home to Chloe.
“I was just coming to find you.”
“What’s going on?”
“Do you remember the gang who worked with Lance?”
“I certainly do. What do you want with those assholes?”
“I need your help to find the leader. He has something of mine.” He grits his teeth and furrows his brows.
“You’ve been robbed again?” I raise my brows.
“Yes, but this time, someone took my bride-to-be.”
“Jesus. She was kidnapped?”
“Yeah, after she tried to escape marrying me.” His frown deepens. “I was hoping you could help me track her down.”
A runaway bride who got herself kidnapped. This sounds like it’s going to be very interesting. “Of course I’ll help.”
Our world never stops, and I guess I live for this life.