I feel Sean’s hands grab me as I almost fall off his lap. “You told Jamie?”
“Yes. And he says everyone, including Evelyn, knows.”
My cheeks burn at the thought of Jamie, no not just Jamie but everyone, being aware of my feelings for Sean, despite my great efforts to hide it. “Do you know who else I told about you?”
I narrow my eyes at Sean. “How many people did you talk to Sean?”
Sean pokes my side. “Your parents.”
My mouth falls open “What?”
“Yes. I went to Jamie’s first, then to your parents.”
“I want everyone to know how serious I am about you,” he says. “I want this to be official. Because you deserve to be treated with respect.”
I blink back tears again, awed by how thoughtful Sean is. I know my family would never have rejected Sean for me, but I love how much respect he has given me and my family by making his intentions clear. My heart is about to explode with the love that I feel for this man.
He pulls me closer, his mouth moving from my forehead and to my cheek. I didn’t think it was possible but this man makes me feel loved, cherished, and respected. My genre might be thrillers, but I do know one thing. This is how romance should be experienced. Leave it to my rom-com movie star to know how to make me feel like the most important woman in the world to him.
“Sean,” I whisper as a tear slips from my eye.
“Yes, beautiful.” He says as he wipes the tear away.
“Remind me never to make fun of romance movies again.” He laughs at me and pulls my face to his for a kiss that makes me forget who I am.
5 Months Later
It’s Thanksgiving and we’re at Sean’s parents house. Liam is officially retired from the military and we all feel like we have so much to be grateful for. I peek at my text thread with Sean again, and when I don’t see a response, I slip the phone into my pocket.
“Don’t worry, Jess. Sean will be here soon.” Evie wraps an arm around my shoulder and gives me a squeeze. “He promised to be here and he will. He’s just running behind.”
I sigh and lean into her. “But he hasn’t responded to any of my messages. It’s worrisome.”
“Come on.” Evelyn pulls me out of the room. “I’m sure he’s fine! I know he’s anxious to see everyone. Stop worrying yourself. Let's go downstairs where all the fun is.”
I follow Evelyn downstairs. Even before we reach the living room, I hear laughter and chaos. I should head in, but I don’t want to talk to more people right now.
I turn around and head toward the kitchen. When Sean and I spoke last night, he showed me his flight information, and according to his itinerary, he should be here already. I woke up this morning so excited to see him, and the longer I wait, the more my mood starts to sour.
Where is he? And why won’t he respond to my messages? I am worried and annoyed. He better have a good reason for being late.
Liam is the only person in the kitchen when I walk in, and he’s seated at the counter, with a drink in his hands. I can tell he came here to escape the noise in the living room, even though he’s a significant reason for the celebration. Liam has never been one to appreciate the spotlight.
“Hi, Jess.” He smiles at me, setting down his drink. “Are you okay?”
I sigh and grab a bottle of juice from the fridge before walking toward him. “Can I join you?”
He contemplates for a moment before shrugging. “Yeah. Be my guest.”
We sit in comfortable silence before he breaks it by asking me a question.
“Is there a reason you are sitting in the kitchen with me?” He asks with a small smile.