“Just a lot on my mind.” I look over my bare shelves and realize between Sean and my manuscript that I have not been paying attention to my food shopping. I groan. “Winnie. Can I call you back?”
“Yes, sure. I’ll forward the manuscript to the editor and get back to you later. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Sounds good. Thanks, Winnie.”
I sigh, glaring down at the empty fridge. My stomach growls in hunger, and I hate it when there’s no quick meal to snack on. With another groan, I return to the living room to pout and close my eyes in frustration.
When I shut my eyes, Sean’s image pops into my mind. He’s been plaguing my thoughts and moments so much these days that it’s becoming worrisome. There’s no escaping the truth, I’ve fallen in love with him. It doesn’t matter that I try to talk myself out of it, I can’t. I am in love with Sean O’Connell.
On the other hand, Sean is making it impossible for me to stop thinking about him. Anytime I spend time with him he acts like the perfect boyfriend. Except he’s not my boyfriend and he has never mentioned that he wants to be my boyfriend. Every day since we played bingo together, over two weeks ago, Sean has brought me breakfast every morning.
The only reason I won’t be getting any today is that Sean spent the night at his parent's house and isn’t back yet.
Not only does he take care of my breakfast, but he constantly checks up on me. His wanting to make sure that I am okay is adorable. He’s been taking me out to dinner with his family, but I know the O’Connell’s and my family are close so that doesn’t mean anything. While I love feeling cared for, it confuses me even more.
Why does he go out of his way to do all this when he doesn’t even want to be with me?
When my stomach growls again, I grab my car keys and leave the house. Bake My Day is always available for a quick snack, plus I get to spend time with my best friend while I’m at it. I need someone to talk to about this. Evie is the last person I want to confide in where Sean is concerned, but I need some perspective.
When I get to Bake My Day, I order snacks and a milkshake before heading to the office.
Evie smiles when I walk in, but it lacks its usual brightness. I can’t help but wonder what that is about. Evie only looks like that is weighing on her mind. “I thought you would never visit me again,” she teases.
“Why not?” I sit at the table and unwrap my snack.
“Because you and Sean decided to act like children the last time you were here.”
I laugh because so many things have happened since then. “Well, lucky for you your brother came over and apologized the next day. Since then, Sean and I have gone on to play bingo together, did a few morning and evening runs together. And went out to dinner with your parents.”
Evelyn’s mouth falls open. “Are you being serious?”
“Not only that,” I continue eating my meal. “He’s brought me breakfast almost every morning for the past two weeks.”
Evelyn shakes her head. “I can’t believe you two! You said you didn’t care!”
“Yes, I did. But when he apologized I realized that we all say things out of anger. Don’t we?”
Evelyn leans forward. “So, what about Rick?”
I choke on the milkshake and start to cough. It felt like I knew Rick in a different lifetime, and Evelyn asking about him makes me feel guilty about it all. I would have never given Rick any chance at all if I knew I was so stuck on Sean.
“You must like him very much if he makes you choke,” Evelyn says, and I roll my eyes.
“I haven’t heard from Rick in forever. I think he can tell that I’m not interested in him.”
“You’re not?” Evelyn gasps. “Why?”
Our gazes meet, and she shakes her head at me. “Are you ready to tell yourself the truth?”
“What truth?” My heart rate picks up and I shift uncomfortably in my seat, the snack and drink forgotten. “What do you mean?”
“Jess,” she calls softly. “You’re in love with Sean.”
I’ve admitted this to myself several times, but hearing someone else say it out loud sends shock into my system. “I’m your best friend,” Evelyn continues. “I know these things. Trust me.”
I take a deep breath. “As much as I want to argue this with you, Evie, I can’t. I do. I love him.” Tears burn the backs of my eyes, and my throat gets tight. “I’m not sure I want to though. How can I stop?”
“What?” Evelyn walks to me and perches herself on the table. “Why would you want to stop? Love is a beautiful thing.”