“No. I had a horrible red velvet cake last year and it ruined that flavor for me forever. But I will happily watch you enjoy it.”

“I see. Do you trust me?” I keep the cupcake pointed at his mouth.

Sean stares down at it before glancing at me. “Yes?”

“Just have a taste,” I insist. “Please.”

Sean takes a deep breath before biting into the cupcake. I watch him chew for a brief second before swallowing. His eyes widen; and he reaches for the rest of it.

“How does it—?” He raises one finger to stop me, and I chuckle, watching his enraptured face as he eats the rest of the red velvet cupcake. When he finishes, he leans against the back of the stool.

“Oh, my goodness. That was heavenly!”

I smile at him feeling like I just introduced him to a whole new experience and am proud of myself. “That was my reaction the first day I tasted it. I couldn’t believe what was happening.” I take out another cupcake. “Want one more?”

His eyes widen with excitement but he hesitates. “Is that okay? I brought them for you.”

“It’s okay. Take it.”

He takes the cupcake and sinks his teeth into it again. “You may have just created a new obsession for me,” he says. “Are you doing anything later?” He asks.

“Nah, just writing. Why?”

“Come play bingo with me.”

I turn in my seat until I’m facing Sean. “Did you say bingo?”

Sean nods, licking some of the frosting from the cupcake off his fingers. I freeze and feel my entire body respond to that one action. I shake myself, grateful for his obliviousness to my reaction, Sean wipes his hand across his pants and shrugs.

“Why do you sound shocked?”

“Because you just casually mentioned playing bingo like it’s the most normal thing in the world.”

Sean laughs. “Bingo is a normal game, isn’t it?”

“I mean, yes, but who plays bingo in this day and age, Sean? Except you, that is.”

Sean stares at me for a moment, his eyes narrowing. “Ohhhh. I see what’s happening here.” He shakes his head. “I see it.”

“What are you talking about?” I giggle at the teasing look in his eyes.

“You’re so competitive, aren’t you?” He asks. “You can’t play bingo. Because there’s a chance you’ll lose to me.”

I bark out another laugh. “Sean, you know it doesn’t matter what game we play. I always win.”

He leans forward and holds out his hand in front of me. “Let’s test that, shall we? I’ll pick you up for bingo later today. Say five?”

My competitive streak is in high gear and there is no way I’m saying no now. I shake his hand. “Deal.”

The truth is, I’ve never played bingo before and I have no idea how to play. But there is no way I will let Sean think he’s better than me at anything.

Sean leans back in his stool, and rubs his hands together. “I can’t wait to see the great Jessica Stewart lose.”

I can’t stop the smile that’s splitting my face. I hate to admit it, but I’m relieved and happy that Sean and I have made up. The heaviness that had been weighing me down since yesterday is gone, replaced by a lightness. My stomach flutters with excitement at the thought of going out with Sean later.

Okay, maybe it isn’t a date. But at least we’ll be spending time with each other and I’m looking forward to that more than I want to admit.

Sean gets up suddenly. “Okay, Jess. I’ll leave you to concentrate on your work. You’ll have enough time to get some work accomplished and be ready by five, right?”