“How’s the writing coming along?”
I turn to him sharply. “Can you please get straight to the point, Sean?” I ask, as I shamelessly take a bite out of one of the red velvet cupcakes, then do my best not to moan at how good it tastes. He’s staring at me and it’s making my entire body come alive with excitement. “Why did you bring this to me? Can you please stop acting like you care about me?” I ask angrier than intended to cover up my reaction to his presence.
His eyes narrow at me and a frown creases his forehead. “I do care about you. Don’t say that,” he says softly and I can hear the sincerity in his voice.
That was low of me. I know he cares, but I can’t stop myself from being petty because how he cares isn’t the way I want him to care about me. I want to be Sean’s girlfriend and I want him to feel the same. I walk to the island, trying to slow my heart rate and take another bite of the cupcake before sitting back down to try and finish the chapter.
But that’s impossible. There is no way I can concentrate with Sean standing behind me. His scent surrounds me and I can feel the heat of his body like a tangible thing.
“Jess,” he starts and my betraying heart stutters as he says my name. “I’m sorry about how I treated you yesterday. I was a complete jerk and it wasn’t okay. I was in a mood, and I took it out on you. I know it’s not an excuse and I’m hoping a few of your favorite things will make up for it a tiny bit.”
His words have more of an effect on me than I let on and I take a sip of my coffee to keep myself from immediately accepting his apology. I let his words sink in. He was a jerk and I am still hurt, but the effort he made with the coffee, cupcake, and apology is a start. I swirl in the chair to look at him.
As my gaze meets his I sigh, “You were very mean to me.”
“I know and I am really sorry.” Sean walks toward me, stopping only a few steps away. His eyes are full of regret and a look I haven’t seen before. Is that uncertainty? Is he really worried that I won’t accept his apology? Something inside me snaps when it clicks he truly means what he is saying.
I feel a lightness fill me knowing that our argument bothered him as much as it did me. In that moment I let go of all the anger and frustration I’ve been holding onto since yesterday, and feel the tension that had been tying knots in my upper back release.
“Jess?” Sean probes. “Say something.”
“I’m still thinking.” I take another sip of my coffee and put what I hope is a pensive look on my face. A smile splits his face.
“Come on.” He steps closer to me and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. I freeze, suddenly conscious of how that one little touch sends tingles through my entire body. “I’m not going to act grumpy anymore,” Sean adds softly. “That’s your job. You do it much better than me, so I’ll let you handle it.”
His words tickle me, and I chuckle. “Fine,” I roll my eyes, feeling like a giddy teenager. “I forgive you.”
“Yes!” Sean pumps the air with a fist, then slides onto the stool next to me. “So how is the writing coming along?”
“I’m almost done. Just a few chapters left. After leaving Bake My Day yesterday, my agent called me up for a meeting. Apparently, the manuscript needs to be done yesterday. They want it published as soon as possible.”
“Oh.” Sean nods. “So that’s where you went to?”
I stare blankly at him. “What do you mean?”
“After we left Evie’s, I thought you went to hang out with Rick,” he avoids looking directly into my eyes.
“What?” I laugh, gripping the edges of my seat to stop from falling sideways. “I haven’t seen Rick since we went out. He would like to go out again, but I just feel that I need to finish my book before thinking about a relationship.”
“Really?” Sean arches his brows. “Does that mean you’re open to dating when you finish your book? You already said you’re almost done.”
I nod my head, but can’t stop my glance from dropping down to Sean’s lips.
Whoa Jess, stop that right now. Thinking like that is only going to lead to a rejection that will cripple you for a few years. Giving into feelings for Sean can only lead to heartbreak.
I’ve had more than enough signs to know that Sean doesn’t think of me that way. I’d be a fool to read any meaning into the glitter of his blue eyes as he stares at me.
I remember the question he asked and quickly nod. “Yes. I think I should date Rick and see how it goes.”
“That’s cool. Rick is a good man.”
“Thank you, Sean.” I stretch out one cupcake to him, and he rears back.
“I’m not a fan of red velvet,” he says with a short laugh.