The food suddenly turns to cotton in my mouth. I force it down with a sip of beer and sit up. “What do you mean?”
“Evelyn told me,” he says like it explains anything.
“Told you what?”
Jamie rolls his eyes. “Well, according to Evie, you and Jess got into an argument, and when you left, Jessica said something about not caring about you.”
Really? My heart slams into my rib cage. Jessica is as stubborn as they come. If she says she doesn’t care about me, then she could very well mean it.
“Your sister is so hardheaded.” I put my palm to my forehead and then wince at the pain.
“Tell me something I don’t know,” he jokes.
“I was only trying to help. It felt like she’s not very experienced when it comes to dating and she needed help!”
“I’m sure she doesn’t,” Jamie says softly.
“Jess has always been independent,” he explains. “Even when I was depending on Mom and Dad, she was doing things for herself. Most of the time, it never works out, but she’s never afraid to pick herself up and try again. That’s what makes her wins even more amazing.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Well, Evie said you are vehemently against Jessica and Rick kissing or moving too fast.”
“Aren’t you?” I frown.
“Why should I?” Jamie laughs. “She’s an adult. She can do whatever she wants. Do you care who Evelyn is intimate with?”
I purse my lips, feeling cornered. “Seems like I care about your sister more than you,” I growl. “Jessica wants to go kiss a boy she just met. You know how boys are. What if they try and take advantage of her.”
“Boy?” Jamie laughs. “Have you forgotten we were in the same class with Rick? And everyone knows that Rick is kind. He’s more of a gentleman than you are. Heck, even more than me.”
What Jamie says is nothing but the truth, and I resent him for it.
“Doesn’t change the fact that she shouldn’t be kissing someone she just met,” I say lamely.
“Why not? I think she should kiss as many frogs as she wants until she finds her prince.”
“Don’t be stupid,” I growl, pushing my plate away from me. Food has lost its appeal at the thought of Jessica kissing a bunch of guys. “This isn’t funny.”
“I’m trying to help,” Jamie answers. “The fastest way to lose Jessica is by curbing her independence. Trust me. You’ve helped her find a great guy. Why not let her take it from here?”
No one understands! That’s the problem. Letting her take it from here is the problem. I already regret finding her a guy so much so that I’m apparently not above using petty means to try and separate them before they actually get together.
“Jessica is mad at me.”
Jamie lifts his eyebrows. “Um, that’s why I’m here.”
“How can I make it up to her?”
Jamie catches my gaze, and I shift uncomfortably under his scrutiny. “Jessica is actually really easy to please, Sean.”
“Tell me how.”
“Her favorite coffee shop is Espresso Yourself,” Jamie says. “Extra creamy with two sugars. They have red velvet cupcakes that are her favorites.”
“Okay.” I’m already planning to buy out the entire shop if I have to.