"We are. I’m looking forward to it." My guts twist at the lie, but I shake it off. I’m sure when tomorrow is here, I’ll be in a better space and able to enjoy it.

"Really?" I hear the smile in his voice. "I’m glad to hear it. I've been looking forward to it too, so I'm happy to hear that we’re on the same page."

“What time will you be picking me up tomorrow?” I ask him.

“I’ll be there around six thirty.”

“Perfect. I’m gonna go now so I can get some writing done. I will see you tomorrow.”

“No problem. Hopefully you have a very productive night.” I hear the sincerity in his voice and I feel bad for dismissing his call so quickly.

“Thank you for understanding. Good night.”

I end the call, and set the phone down on the island before burying my face in my hands. I hope when tomorrow comes, my excitement is more than this, or else Rick will notice.

“That’s a beautiful dress,” Evelyn gasps, slapping a palm over her mouth dramatically. “Is it new?”

“No.” I shake my head, twirling around to admire the fit from different angles. “I’ve had it in my closet, but I’ve never worn it.”

“It’s perfect. You look gorgeous in it. Rick is going to die when he sees you.”

I turn to my phone, where Evelyn stares back at me in a video call. “Really?”


“Okay. How about shoes?” I run to my wardrobe and grab two pairs of shoes. One is a nude heel with frilly ropes to wrap around my ankle and the other a black wedge. I hold both shoes to the camera, and Evelyn stares at them briefly.

“The nude heel. Definitely the nude heel with the straps.”

Sitting on the bed, I pull the nude heels on and wrap the ropes securely around my ankle. Evelyn was right. It works with the dress and pulls everything together.

“Oh Jessica. You look beautiful! When will Rick be getting there?”

I glance at the clock and hurry to the dresser to grab my bag. “He will be here anytime now. It’s almost six thirty–”

I start to stuff my purse with all the necessities I might need for the night—money, lip gloss, powder, lipstick, and a debit card. When I reach for the phone, the doorbell rings.

“He’s here.”

“Enjoy your date, Jess. I mean it.”

“Thanks Evie. I’ll text you after it’s done. Okay?”

“I can’t wait! Bye.”

I hang up the phone and slip it into my bag before hurrying out of the room. In the living room, I take a deep breath and slowly walk to the door. Rick is standing outside with a bouquet of daisies, wearing a blue button down shirt and blue dress pants. The man in front of me is absolutely gorgeous, but I don’t feel any sparks as I look at him. No butterflies, no heart flutters, nothing. I can’t help but feel disappointed.

His face splits into a smile when he sees me. “You look lovely, Jessica.”

“Thank you, Rick.” I force a smile and hope it looks genuine. I step back and invite him. “Please, come in.”

Rick steps into the house, and gives the room a quick once over. “You have a wonderful place,” he says and holds out the bouquet. “This is for you.”

“Thank you so much. These are so pretty.” I take the flowers from him. “Let me put these in a vase, then we can go.”


In the kitchen, I take deep breaths while I trim the stems of the flowers and put them in my favorite goblet-shaped vase. Rick is a gentleman, a handsome one at that, so why don’t I feel anything? When I realize I’m taking more time than necessary, I return to the living room, grab my bag, and approach Rick.